To say that 2009 has started off interesting...... well, that is what we categorize in my file labeled "Understatements".
Cause (of the situation) : my friend Jared from Va Beach posting on his facebook status that he was having a music video filmed for his new group's (The Silverust) first music video... and needed extras.
My Response (to the situation) : jokingly responding to said facebook-status with "can i wear little red running shorts?"
Effect (of my joking response) : Landing a starring role in a hip-hop video, wearing little red running shorts. With a pro video production crew doing the music vid (Scott Hansen Productions).
( the rest of the story )
Now just picture me in that outfit (from the previous post) busting into a party scene, looking for my "girlfriend" at this mock-fiesta, finding her with the rapper (Nickelus Fury) from the hip-hop duo, getting in his face, and then being broken up by 2 break dancers... who then proceed to battle it out on the dance floor.
Followed by dancing around like a fool for several takes behind the 2 guys (Nick F & Jared) rapping amongst the crowd.
The next day, we filmed more @ Scott's studio.. green screen hilarity ensued. We saw some of the footage in raw form.... looks AWESOME. This video is going to be epic hilarity. Last filming for the vid happening 2 weekends from now @ a skate park.
Here's some pictures to close this entry out
(L to R) Nickelus Fury, myself, and Jared Icarus Dessuit
Scott filming the guys with the green screen backdrop
Nachrichten Aktuell
2 years ago
hot dude! Can't wait to see the video. great outfit as
That is wicked awesome! Keep me posted on when this video is done so I can watch it.
That is like the coolest thing ever!!! Definitely keep us posted!!!!!
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