
13 days (too long)

13 days into 2009, and what an experience of ups-and-downs it's been already. I keep wanting to put my foot down and claim my ground in situations as-of-late... but I just end up stepping lightly, or not at all. That's 13 days too long of not strapping on the man-boots so as to stomp downwards with ground-breaking force. So often in life... we get briefly motivated & fired up to take a stand, or in wanting to make the moves towards accomplishing something.... and yet we let outside factors cancel out that driving force to stick to it.

I'm tired of comfort zones... of beating around the bush... of playing it safe... of side-stepping the issues

Time to strap on those brute-force boots... and give the Richter scale a workout


Josh Haynes said...

Note to self: Stay on Jake's good side.

jake (to the) holla said...

silly boy, we're talkin' metaphorically... yo.

Brian Miller said...

Nice boots dude, strap em' on!

Brian Miller said...

It is pretty easy to fall into stepping lightly and not cause ripples because it shakes up our nice cozy world. But then again, it's all fake at that point.