
late nite obstacles

While driving home 2nite from a 6-hour XBOX 360 fest with my small group + a couple more (playing the likes of Halo 3 & Call Of Duty 4), I turned onto the road before mine... only to notice some strange objects in the road a little ways down. As I got closer, the objects came into focus... a doll house, a child-size bench, and several frame-work shelves & other assorted junk. They were neatly lined up across both lanes... preventing casual passage. I sat there for a second, taking in the scene... glancing around to see if any of the guilty mischief-makers were hiding off to the side laughing at this car stopped by their barrier. After that brief moment, I proceeded to slip by to the left with juuust enough space to carry on my way. Whoever these bored individuals were left a path of chaos in their wake.... as I passed several other road-obstructions of mattresses and anything else these people could find to put in the road.

I'm just glad I spent my Saturday nite in a slightly more productive manner.... minus the brain cells fried from excessive button-mashing + staring at the screen while engrossed in the intensity.

What did YOU do and/or experience this weekend??


Brian Miller said...

Haha. I never did anything like that before (sheepish grin). It could have been someone that ran out of space in the house they just moved in and needed the extra storage area. In these tough economic times the city/county could have rented them that piece of road...ehh, your probably right, hoodlums!

My drive yesterday, a whole lot less eventful.

Anonymous said...

well i got stoped by the cops friday night on crawford road
