
public slumber

Naps are incredible. I try not to rely on them as much as I used to... but the occasional power-nap can really do the job and get me through the day. The key element is where. I'm pretty selective with my nap locations. My bed, a couch, in the car on a trip, etc... but rarely can I just full-on crash and take a nap in public. It's gotta be a special circumstance (or a really nice day outside in a quiet peaceful meadow or under a tree). That's not the case for these 2 guys.

Subject A: the Exhausted Student

The classic case of probably staying up way too late playing Call of Duty, and/or excessive Monster energy drinks. Old Testament Survey proved too much for his attention-span and awakeness. I regret not getting video, because he was totally snoring like a champ. (Side note: he jolted awake shortly after and began furiously taking notes, trying to play it all off)

Subject B: the Bookstore-Couch Sleeper

The typical old-guy-in-a-bookstore. Usually you'll see a book in hand, or a pile of magazines on the lap... but not this guy. He had no intention of convincing himself or anyone else that he was there for the reading. It's a safe bet to say his wife was either shopping around in the store, or maybe even next door looking at some exciting linens and decorative materials. Nap strong, old guy. Nap strong.

What's your favorite place/reason to nap? Or any good stories or pictures of similar people caught in the act of public slumber?

Stay tuned... this is post 199, so you know what that means.... the big 2-0-0 is coming soon. Tomorrow? Wednesday? Next month?? Time will tell....


tough manly love

Everybody has a soft spot. Sure, I prefer action/superhero/thriller movies... but I can't deny a good Disney cartoon movie from years past. Heck, I even still have my fuzzy lil blue stuffed monkey from my childhood on prominent display in my room! Even Schwarzen.... however-you-spell-it... appears to be a big softie for his puppy dog.

Ahhhnold kiss thaa pahh-pyyy! (said in best Arnold-voice)

Anyways, this was all just a lead-in to the MAIN focus of this particular post. Nothing says "tough manly love" quite like soccer hooligans singing a Savage Garden song. Stop reading and start watching!


random blurb time (2-18-10)

*Definitely a fan of the increase in sunshine + slight increase in warmth. The frigid snowy days wore out their welcome QUICK

*Speaking of the weather, it bewilders me that people on campus are so dedicated to fashion that the temperature outside isn't taken into consideration... in the least. Of course by "people" I mean girls. Skirts and total lack of leg warmth when it's below 30?? I don't get it...

*I have a fascination with wearing big, thick, lens-less glasses. Not really sure why, but it's fun regardless

Maybe it's some sort of Clark Kent syndrome...

*Shaun White's gold-medal halfpipe run last night..... insaaaaaane. I can't even fathom being able to do that, much less even being able to stay on a board in the first place. Check nbcolympics.com for the video if you didn't see it live

 Pretty sure I want this on a t-shirt

*Guest speaker in my EVAN 101 class today had to wake this guy up twice during class. That's just plain embarassing.

*The band Say Anything's frontman, Max Bemis, recently re-opened his online song shop. Basically, you buy a personalized song written, performed, and recorded by Max himself. You simply write 1-to-2 paragraphs about an issue you're dealing with, something you're excited about, or really just anything you feel needs to be lyricized and made into a song. We're not talking about one of those cheap Wal-Mart cd's you buy for a child that has their name inserted into nursery rhymes. Sure, it's $150... but for fans of the band, that's an extremely cool memento to have.

*I've been craving Panera ever since going with Abby this past Valentine's weekend. Made it happen yesterday. Turkey artichoke panini = WOW (especially if you're a fan of spinach artichoke dip)

*There are numerous "cult classic" and/or must-see movies that I'm realizing I've never seen. I watched Fight Club for the first time last night. My head still kinda hurts... such a strangely deep movie.

*LU's CollegeForAWeekend is this weekend. Concerts, sporting events, and more are planned around these twice-a-semester recruitment weekends for high schoolers to come experience the college life from Thursday til Sunday. Normally I wouldn't care all that much, but this time my "lil bro" Jacob Ray is coming to crash with me for the CFAW experience. Stoked!

*2 more posts... and then the big 200! Get ready....


thats not my hero

It's no shocker that I love superheroes. The comic books, the movies (not all of them... here's lookin' at YOU, X-Men 3 & Ghost Rider), the collectibles.... they're the center of my inner-child's universe. Specifically... Spider-man. I love the character of Peter Parker, and his rapid-fire joke-telling / web-slinging alter ego is just plain excellent.

Alas, with every big-name, mainstream, well-known superhero... comes below-average interpretations & depictions of the character.

For example!

You're gunna need stronger webs, Spidey...

However! There are also amusing, purposely bad versions of what it would be like if certain directors got a hold of the rights to such a movie (or in some cases, if somebody else played the role of the hero). Here's an amusing parody of what it would be like if indie-film director Wes Anderson made Spider-man, instead of Sam Raimi.

Ohhhh how different it would have been...


pre-celebration brainstorm

So... I just noticed that I'm coming up to my 200th blog post pretty soon.

(I also noticed that I had my text size on LARGE as I started typing this post, but I don't feel like changing it back. Adds some oomph, I think)

Anyways, I got to thinking.... what should I do to commemorate this joyous occasion? It's an accomplishment in itself that I've kept this blog alive (with some scattered dry seasons) since 2008. I'm glad people have stuck with me along the way, and I definitely hope to keep YOU the reader's attention in the future. Heck, somehow I even managed to crack the top 4 on networkedblogs.com's Top 50 Blogs categorized under "randomness".

 motivational AND non-applicable to my gender... hooray!

Comparatively irrelevant accomplishment, I know... but hey, can't a blogger dream big in this day & age?? I've finally got my semi-big-boy pants on in the cutthroat arena of blogging. Exaggeration? Eh.. maybe. Regardless, it's been fun and I hope to continue doing this.

Here's where YOU come in. I want some feedback on what to do for my 200th post OR any ideas/changes you might come up with that I can consider bringing into play beyond that mile-marker point of the big 2-0-0. Don't just read this and disregard a simple quick task of a mini brainstorming session of your own! I wanna keep things interesting & ridiculous & possibly enlightening/challenging as the posts continue.

Bring on the comments/compliments/suggestions/criticism/gibberish!


necessary reminder

Romans 5:3-5
"More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."

I needed those verses today. I've come a long way in my growth in the areas of patience/endurance.... but that doesn't mean I'm invulnerable to being affected by such issues. I still struggle with being steadfast at times, and with my current car issues (and long history of problems with past vehicles) it's become more evident that God uses this aspect of my life to reaaaally test me & grow me. No complaints, though, because I'm blessed to even have a means of transportation in the first place... and also because I've grown accustomed to having car problems. It doesn't really catch me off guard or surprise me anymore haha. Regardless, if you have a moment or want to jot down a prayer request for later... I'd appreciate some prayer for my endurance in standing strong amidst car-based frustrations, and also that this particular car is either fixable or something else works out in due time.

Meanwhile, I'm still tremendously psyched that I got to "surprise"-visit Abby in PA this past weekend! The original plan of attending the next2010 conference together in Alexandria fell through due to a weather-based cancellation. My surprise was semi-effective, yet totally worthwhile. I'll continue plotting for an opportunity to bring my A-game in the field of wicked good surprises.

Welp, that's all for now. I'll be in the lab working on a means of summoning Captain Planet if you need me.

Maybe he can eradicate this snow.... (wishful thinking)


ridiculous steve

I don't follow basketball like I used to... but what I do know nowadays is that Steve Nash is crazy-talented, and strangely hilarious. Observe.

Also, XXX Vitamin Water is my favorite drink ever. I'm just sayin'


ABC's... hooray!

If you've known me for more than a week, you know I love to talk about & suggest things that I really enjoy at the moment (and overall in life). So the thought just came to mind.... why not throwdown with a huge ABC-themed list of stuff YOU should check out (or it may serve as a reminder about something you've forgotten!)

Here goes nothin...

A- After Edmund (afteredmund.com) - amazing band, super down-to-earth, and totally in touch with their fan-base & potential fans via Facebook/Twitter. They played my home church back in the 757 on Halloween and it was quite the experience. Check these guys outttt!
B- Burritos - whether @ Moe's or Chipotle.... these tasty delights are a surefire way to extinguish those hunger yearnings. Healthy? Nope. Amazing? YES.
C- Comic books - what can I say? I'm a geek. Every Wednesday (aka the day new comics are released) is like a mini-holiday. Currently at the top for me : Spiderman, Iron Man, Captain America, Deadpool
D- Dogs - I miss mine, and they're better than cats. 'Nuff said. (I'm biased, b/c my cat is pure evil)
E- Ed Helms (aka Andy Bernard from The Office) - just plain hilarious addition to The Office. You may recognize him from The Daily Show/The Hangover... and his a capella stylings as Andy are just good stuff.
F- Family Force 5 (myspace.com/familyforce5) & Four Year Strong (myspace.com/fouryearstrong) - 2 more incredible bands to check out. FF5 = mix of dance/synth/rock and the best live show in the land, and FYS = pop-punk meets hardcore w/ gang vocals & power choruses aplenty
G- Golf (frisbee) - okay I'm slightly cheating with this one, since it's technically a 3rd "F" addition... but oh well. Frisbee Golf is wicked fun... whether you have mad skill or just go to kill some stress with friends. Don't knock it until you try it.
H- Hoodies - my absolute favorite part of fall/winter. They're gradually catching up to t-shirts/sunglasses in my world, and I just got a new one (a Four Year Strong hoodie, in fact) that very well could be my favorite clothing purchase in a long long time. Comfort. Like. Whoa.
I- Igloos - in case you get more snow, or have enough now to make one.... do it! I haven't made one this season... but I did stand on top of one and poke a hole through the ceiling. Whoops...
J- jakeholla.com - shameless plug for this here blog o' mine.... had to do it.
K- Kid's movies - whether new releases or classics from your childhood... who doesn't enjoy some quality kid's movies? I could definitely kick back and watch such personal faves as The Rescuers Down Under, Milo & Otis, Aladdin, or basically any Pixar movie ever made.
L- Letter Kills - a short-lived but incredible band that I still love to this day (their 1 album "The Bridge" is quality stuff). I was just talking to a friend about them earlier, and how great it is that the lead singer is now the lead for The Wedding.
M- Moo'ing - why not flip a boring and/or awkward situation around by making a cow noise? Or maybe rolling down your car window and moo at pedestrians. The possibilities are endless!
N- Narnia - keep checking your closet. You never know.....
O- Orange soda - I go through phases with soda, and I feel a return-to-orange-soda phase coming on in the near future. I'll immediately switch to something else if those FANTA!FANTA! singers appear. Not having any of that nonsense.
P- People-watching - the world is a weird, interesting, colorful, random place. Forget tv! Just go to the mall or a park and simply.... watch.
Q- Quiet - ever driven anywhere in complete silence? Or just gone somewhere outside where the noise pollution is at minimum, or non-existent? Give it a shot... it's especially good for devotions, studying, and/or retaining some sanity on a stressful day.
R- Reading - my old habit is back, and that's a good thing. Currently reading Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" and "The Road by Cormac McCarthy.
S- Sleds - if you didn't go sledding during all this crazy snowstorm chaos... you better hope it snows again! I went several times over the weekend, and it was totally worth the blunders & freezing temperatures. I opted for the round-disc type o' sled, in case you were wondering.
T- Twitter - (twitter.com/jakeholla) - yet another social-networking phenomenon that I avoided at first but eventually buckled and made an account. Follow me, shyeah?? And make one if you haven't already... peeeeer pressure!
U- Umbrellas - this is simply a reminder to myself to find mine or buy a new one. All this freezing rain/snow/sleet has been a bit much... and I'm a fan of being dry.
V- Vitamin Water - it's my refreshment fix, and it has been for quite some time now. I still owe my love for this quality drink to my ever-so-amazing girlfriend! Great... now I'm thirsty...
W- Wikipedia - my go-to source for defeating any brain-farts & curious moments throughout the day.
X- X-Men - the first 2 movies? OH yes. The third movie & the Wolverine spin-off? Ehh... I'll stick to the first 2, and the comics.
Y- Youtube - specifically this video (click and enjoy)
Z- Zach Galifianakis - crazy beard / absurd stand-up comedy / ridiculous movie-roles

Phewww... hope you enjoyed the list, found some new stuff to check out, and re-discovered something in the process. That's a wrap!


random blurb time (2-9-10)

*I rode one of the campus buses for maybe the 3rd time ever. It's always an interesting experience, whether meeting new people or catching up w/ friends & classmates. I should wear my viking helmet next time...

*Stepped in a crucial puddle of red clay & mud on the way to class. Good thing I had a spare pair of shoes/pants in the car! That sucker was deep.

New Years resolution: attempt to keep ONE pair of shoes clean...

*Re-watched the movie Cloverfield last night. Intense stuff! The found-footage genre definitely intrigues me (moreso when JJ Abrams is involved)... but I'd prefer this crazy monster-attack story over the demon-possession & creepiness of Paranormal Activity

*When I get bored, I seem to either clean... do laundry... or shave my face in a drastic way. The beard was getting a bit old, so last night I sculpted the beast into some wicked sideburns.

it wouldn't be right to display them without a crazy snarl

*Picking one chill-spot on campus & hanging out for an extended time always seems to produce amusing results. So far I've seen a cowboy, a running class jogging indoors to warm back up from the cold, and.... yep, another cowboy (this time it was the senior-adult edition). What will I see next??

*I have too many pairs of sunglasses, and I'm okay with that.

*I'm currently getting adjusted to my new Macbook Pro. I love it! Definitely a nice change from all the Windows-based computers I'm accustomed to using.

*If you don't mind, prayers would be super-appreciated (regular-appreciation is sooo 2009). I'm starting now on trying to line up a summer job that's ministry-based, rather than going back to my old stomping grounds of serving @ TGI Fridays.

*More light snowfall early this morning, and supposedly more on the way. Total snow-verdose (clever, I know). Make it stop!

That's all for now! Time to trek to my car and escape campus...


what happened?

In years past, I would normally have a tough time narrowing down which was my favorite Super Bowl ad.... but this year, it was very easy. Why? Because Doritos was the only company that made me laugh this year. Here's my fave that they created for last night.

What was your favorite commercial? Or if this doesn't apply to you this year... what's your fave from the past?


copy/paste into a THANK YOU card

I honestly can't remember the last time I celebrated my birthday by just sitting back & reflecting on everything up to this point. I'm so used to embracing the busy & fun aspect of it all with a bunch of friends (whether playing games... watching a movie... enjoying fellowship while eating out... etc etc), but it was surprisingly nice to just relax & lay low for once. To an extent, I didn't have much of a choice due to weather conditions... but regardless, the atmosphere of being away from home provided for a much different experience from the start.

Above all else, I'm all-the-more thankful for all the friends & family I've come to be blessed with the past 24 years of my life.. and now entering into my 25th (crazy!). My parents came to visit Thursday night until Saturday morning (with Gidget the wonder-pooch in tow), Abby baked a cake in my honor since she couldn't be here (and we also celebrated together via Skype for 2+ hours!), and friends left & right expressed their well-wishes and love in their own individual ways. It'd be impossible to thank everyone on here (hopefully I got back to everyone individually on Facebook & text at least)... but major thanks to and appreciation for Brian Norris (aka Whoaday) & Jacob Ray for their friendship & brotherly love over the years, and to Josh Haynes/Grant Ragsdale/Elias Anderson for allowing me to crash here @ their place during the snow-filled chaos this weekend (I owe you guys 3 mud-kips and a barrel roll. baba booey!). It meant alot seeing all the messages that came in yesterday in different forms & means of communication... but having my family, my girlfriend, and these close friends (amongst others) express their love as they did meant a huge deal to me. I really did think about going haywire with this post and thanking absolutely everybody.... but I'll refrain & hope that I didn't overlook anybody in my one-on-one thank you's & messages in return to everybody from midnite to 11:59pm.

Also, I'm not 100% certain who reads my blog... so it was easier to stick to those that I know will read this post haha (all the more reason for you non-commenting readers to start leaving some quick responses, thus opening up more opportunities for me to mention you in later posts when instances as such come along. peeeeer pressure!). You can make up for not commenting in the past by purchasing this t-shirt for me:

I'm kidding... but no, seriously.

This day wasn't about me, but completely about how thankful I am for all of YOU that have impacted my life in the past... continue to do so in the present... and onward into the future. Take that for what it's worth... cheesy, lovey-dovey, or excessively thankful. All three, even! Much love to the most amazing family & friends to be surrounded by EVER. I owe you guys/gals some scratch & sniff stickers, plastic "gold" trophies, iron-on patches, and #1 ribbons to adorn yourselves with.... as well as hugs & jumping high-fives aplenty!

OH, and hey...


video-break (2-5-10)

go ahead and take a quick breather from the snow (or nasty rain) and laugh at this nature-blooper

and just to make this post more weather-appropriate.... i bring you this find via Google image search

truly puts my attempts at a snow creation to shame... oh well, stay safe out there, rain or snow!


steadfast, but not on my own

The other day I blogged about the pointlessness & negativity surrounding the act of complaining. Should it come as any surprise that I've been greatly tested in that very area of life since posting that? (See what I wrote here in case you missed it). Honestly, it almost caught me off guard when the frustrations started being dealt out... but I was immediately reminded of the very lesson I took to heart, and my own words came right back at me. This was a test to see whether or not there was any weight behind what I claimed & spoke out against.

I'll provide a couple examples of what I'm referring to, but not for the purpose of dwelling on the negative... rather to show how I can't hang tough on my own. I owe it all to God for keeping me in-check, focused, optimistic, and clear-headed. Also, after each I'll point out why I have no reason or right to complain about any of this.

- negative - My birthday is this weekend, as well as my 6th month anniversary with Abby (a double-whammy, if you will). The plan was for her to come here to Lynchburg so we could celebrate both together. The oncoming round 2 of winter weather has decided otherwise.
-positive- We're both going to a conference next weekend on life after school, whether in the workforce or in full-time ministry, AND the weekend will culminate with Valentine's Day. It all works out in the end, with another double-whammy of excellence to make up for this weekend!

- negative - My car decided it wasn't going to start this afternoon, after several attempts to crank it and get it going.
-positive- I waited it out, tried again after lunch, and the car started. Just to play it safe, myself & 2 friends trekked to an Advance Auto 20 minutes away to get the battery & alternator tested. Both checked out fine and I had no problems driving to-and-from this excursion. I just need to allow myself more time to let the car warm up before rushing off anywhere.

- negative - my GPS lied to me and instead of leading me to the first Advance Auto I looked up, it took me to.... a snowy field
-positive- the 2nd Advance Auto I navigated to was only 10 min away... and we made it there fine. Simple as that.

So yes, as you can see.... no legitimate reasons to complain. Sure, it's been tough and a rather up-&-down couple of days... but all is well in the end. God is good, and I'm extremely thankful for the opportunity to give it all up to Him and let the overall good come out of all these situations.... whether immediately or in the long-run.

Oh, and if you catch me complaining, online or in-person... just tell me to shut-face and remind me of everything I've talked about and been reminded of this week so far.


video break (2-3-10)

take a break from whatever you might be doing at the moment... and enjoy some video'd nonsense
(filmed @ summer camp '09 during our free-time, as a means of entertainment for an injured friend)

(video provided by this guy's Youtube page)

hopefully that brought some small ounce of joy to your day! it surely tickled my fancy, but thankfully not too much... considering i'm tremendously ticklish

i'll leave you with this pic of Lady Gaga herself (the artist who's song is featured in the video, in case you hadn't a clue)


complaining about complaining

Now I realize that the title of the blog is rather non-sensical... but track with me here. I feel warranted in complaining about the fact that I even dare to complain about anything in life. Sometimes I'm more accepting & optimistic, and sometimes I go through lower points where I'm bitter and frustrated and just want to vent & act extremely blah... either way, it's still lurking under the surface. The point is... I'm alive. I have breath in my lungs. I've had the opportunity to go back to school & further my education, in the beautiful mountains of Lynchburg VA. I'm surrounded by the most amazing friends & family I could ever fathom and have grown as a person in ways I could never have done alone. I'm days away from my 6-month anniversary with the most loving, down-to-earth, and encouraging fellow child of God that I've ever had the blessing of knowing. She's incredible, whether she wants to accept that or not.

And yet... I still complain about the mundane... the miniscule... the pointless... the unnecessary.

Are you SERIOUS?!

I could literally have none of that in my life beyond the air flowing through my lungs, and I would still have absolutely no right to form any negative words & let them flow out of my mouth or through my fingers while typing onto a screen. Who cares if it's currently cold outside and snow/ice covered?? I'm warm, have clothes on my back, a place to stay, and transportation. I think I'll survive the season.

Life alone is a gift from God. I don't even deserve to exist, much less have any of the aforementioned things as a part of my life, and yet... I do. I am alive and healthy and capable of living out my purpose in bringing God glory.

(side-note: just watch the Planet Earth series. Creation is beautiful and by no means an accident or mistake... just WOW)

I'm currently reading Francis Chan's book Crazy Love, after hearing him speak @ Passion 2010 in Atlanta at the beginning of the new year. It's taken me this long to get around to truly getting into it, but now that I have... I'm glad I did. I encourage you to give it a chance, I'm only one chapter in... but it's very thought-provoking & worth the self-analysis so far.

I love Chan's description of how we as humans go about our daily lives in a sense of spiritual amnesia (for those of us that believe the Bible and hold it in highest regard as the inspired Word of God). Despite all we've learned & read & heard & processed in our lives... and knowing & believing that God is the sovereign creator... we still forget & allow distractions to pull our attention in a million different directions. We see God in everything, yet we lose sight of it all so easily. How can I ever ignore that? How can I ever stray away from time spent with Him in His Word? I mean honestly.... I'm currently living in the mountains, and whether it's a clear sunny day or not... the scenery and blatant display of His handiwork is right there in my face.

I don't want to drag this out any longer, because I know how attention-spans go with the majority of us... but I just challenge you to simply take a look around you. You don't even need to do or say anything beyond soaking in the mere visual aspect of everything around you.... beyond being still & reverent... thankful to God for your chance to even have sight, and to be alive & functioning coherently. Of course, this may require prying yourself away from Facebook/Twitter/texting/tv/etc... crazy to think, I know... but just drop all the excess for a couple minutes and consider what you've read.


(If nothing I'm saying makes sense, or if you aren't even convinced in the first place of the existence of God... I hope it's understood that I'm always open to a dialogue about all of this. I don't have all the answers... I'm still learning & growing in my faith... but I'd be more than willing to talk. No frills, no judgement, no sales-pitch... just know the line of communication is open. Simple as that.)


Much love from your resident faux-ninja!

quick blurbs (2-2-10)

-Punxsutawney Phil the chubster groundhog saw his shadow today. 6 more weeks of winter, eh? If so, blahhhhh

-the upside? more snow antics (absurd photo shoots? crazy snowmen? round 2 of sledding?)

-the downside? my birthday is this weekend, and my parents & girlfriend are planning on coming into town from the 757 & PA. i reaaaally hope the potential snow doesn't hinder any of that from happening

-on that note, i'm outta here. time to brave the elements to reach my 2nd & last class o' the day


here we go, february

I'm still adjusting to the fact that it's 2010... and it's already week 3 of the spring semester, AND February!? "Time flies when you're having fun" is no joke.... it's been a blur of a year so far. It also doesn't feel like my birthday is this Saturday... almost like I'm cheating time and getting to celebrate it earlier than normal.

As I was typing this, I glanced over at Twitter and was reminded that tomorrow is Groundhog Day. I went to find a picture commemorating tomorrow's "holiday", and came across this disturbing image.

I've never watched the ceremony on tv, so I'm just wondering if hoisting the groundhog in the air like that is an annual part of the festivities. That poor creature haha.... it would be entertaining if the tables were turned and Punxsutawney Phil (as he's called) went buckwild and sought revenge on his handlers. I chased a groundhog in my yard here in Lynchburg last semester, and could barely keep my composure at the hilarious sight of this chubby creature scurrying away in fear. If only it were caught on video....

But anyways, whaddya think will happen tomorrow??