
thats not my hero

It's no shocker that I love superheroes. The comic books, the movies (not all of them... here's lookin' at YOU, X-Men 3 & Ghost Rider), the collectibles.... they're the center of my inner-child's universe. Specifically... Spider-man. I love the character of Peter Parker, and his rapid-fire joke-telling / web-slinging alter ego is just plain excellent.

Alas, with every big-name, mainstream, well-known superhero... comes below-average interpretations & depictions of the character.

For example!

You're gunna need stronger webs, Spidey...

However! There are also amusing, purposely bad versions of what it would be like if certain directors got a hold of the rights to such a movie (or in some cases, if somebody else played the role of the hero). Here's an amusing parody of what it would be like if indie-film director Wes Anderson made Spider-man, instead of Sam Raimi.

Ohhhh how different it would have been...


Brian Miller said...

lol, the vid. and what did i tell you about posting pics of me in costume...

Rob said...

Very funny video.