
life's waiting to begin

i love looking forward to what the future has in store, seeing events & circumstances set into motion that will only continue to get better with each passing day. anything from fun personal interests... to more in-depth lifelong investments

-the knowledge that warm(er) weather isn't all that far away

-the midnite showing of Watchmen next week @ AMC 24

-anything/everything with LCM (liberty college ministry) leading up to our first mission trip in May (Toronto here we coooome)

-seeing God's handiwork in the timing & little details that all fell into place in a way that only He can orchestrate, in terms of how a relationship's groundwork should be handled

-the Bamboozle fest 2009 w/ Zach B & anybody else game to join on May 2nd & 3rd (2-day concert festival in New Jersey)... Fall Out Boy, Third Eye Blind, No Doubt, and sooo many more

-the preparation & steps being taken to secure my transfer to LU in the fall, and trusting God with housing/job/smooth-transfer of credits/etc etc

-trips & vacations this spring/summer with people that mean the most (GA w/ Mary & her mom, OBX day-trips, traveling to inevitable concerts in Richmond/DC/Maryland, possible trips to DC & NYC, and who knows what else!)


its cold... its warm! its cold....

It really surprises me that all the shifts & changes in weather weren't the cause of me getting sick these past 2 weeks or so. As much as I'd like to say "I'm used to the random unpredictability of VA weather"..... I'm just not. I had finally reached the point of being content with the colder weather a couple weeks back, when the 70-degree weather hit us for a few days.. and WHAM! Immediately discontent with the cold, and yearning for nothing but warmer spring weather. Now here we are again today... 67-degrees out right now... and I want to enjoy it, but I know it won't last. Ohhhh the dilemmas of living in Virginia..... and yet I love it. I wish it would just get to around 75-80 degrees... and stay there.

What weather do you prefer?


drowned out by the sound

sorry for the lack of posts lately... i think i apologized in the last entry too. everythings been fever-pitch-busy lately with work/friends/church/etc. i definitely kept up with staying busy while sick.. so as to force it outta my system. i'll post more later, just felt like dropping a quick update


time for a breather

As you may have noticed, my posts haven't been as frequent lately (my deepest & most sincere apologies). I've been mildly sick since last week, and yet for whatever logical reason.... I've kept myself busier than normal with work, ultimate frisbee, running, x-box game nights, and various other occasions. I think it's my way of saying "HEY, sickness! you can't controoooool me!"... and I try and force it into remission by being on-the-go more than usual. It seems to have worked, because all that's left is very light sniffles. I only took medicine once last week... so I guess my approach is rather effective.

How do YOU react to being sick?

p.s. i would probably not use the same method of cold-treatment if this had been anything beyond the common cold that's been going around.... haha


Rock Band = Karaoke 2.0

I spent my Valentine's Day with plenty of relaxation, Tropical Smoothie, and X-Box system link fun with some highly amusing people. What'd you do?



Word. Of. The. Day.

Use the word "ferocious" in a sentence at some point today... then come back and post about how you used the word. It's your choice whether you specify the context of the sentence.... depends on if it's more fun with/without that haha.

Make a note to yourself... set a phone calendar reminder... write it on your hand... anything!

Ok... now go forth with your verbal-ammunition for adding "oomph" to your remarks, conversations, and random statements today! Looking forward to hearing any reports back from this.


belated b-day present

maybe it's just me... as far as my blogspot crowd goes... but this news made me jump around like a spastic lil school girl.

Summer 2009 just got 100 times better, in my eyes


charles e. cheese

some pictures from yesterday

thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes, random presents, text messages, phone calls, and C.E.C. tokens!


What if : (disaster edition)

What if: during the next hurricane season, or noreaster, or snow storm (... HA, yeah right)..... something terrible happened to your house during said disaster. I know, I know..... God forbid this were ever to happen, but in the context of this blog... we all have precious possessions in our lives. I'm curious to know what you would grab immediately when rushing to evacuate your living establishment.

Me? I'd grab my laptop (because of all my music & pictures) and any small boxes of photos & memorabilia within safe reach. My life is constantly filled with music, and as far as photos go... well I take pictures of everything. The boxes most likely contain random notes, trinkets, ticket stubs, autographed concert stubs, etc etc... I'm a pack-rat when it comes to nostalgiac items.

SO yes, what would you grab in the rush to escape??


bringing back the magic

Have you ever had an idea... maybe even something that started as a joke... that eventually became a reality?

Take for instance a Kelly Clarkson concert. Several friends and I joked several summers ago that we should all go see Kelly live @ the VA Beach Ampitheater... since we were often belting out her songs in an obnoxiously loud manner whenever hanging out. We joked about it so much that we ended up buying tickets and actually going. Needless to say... it was glorious.

Fast forward to this past winter break. 2009 was quickly approaching, and several friends and I had jokingly spoken of having each of our birthdays this year themed after something we would have done as a youngster (Burger King party, roller skating, bowling, the zoo, etc etc). It was quite the comical idea... and it seemed like it was leading towards something we'd actually end up doing.

Welp, you can see where this is going.

My birthday is on Friday (24.... yowza) and I will be celebrating with (so far) 20+ people at none other than Chuck E Cheese's. Yes, you read that correctly. It's going to be ridiculous. Old school Spiderman arcade game? Check. Skee ball?? Check. Tickets & prizes & PIZZA galore??? triple check.

Everyone is welcome to join this absurd occasion, if you're up to it. It's the one next to AMC 24. This Friday from 7 til 10pm. If not... don't fret... because there will be pictures & stories to tell, I'm sure.


Best o' the Best (Super Bowl ads)

Whether you like the Super Bowl or not..... it always has the potential for some fantastic commercials, whether hilarious.. or just downright awesome. Here's my top faves from this year

*( Fave Movie Teaser )*

* ( Funniest Commercial ) *

* ( Honorable Mentions ) *

What did you think? What were your favorites?

(side-note : half-time show was LAME.... but Springsteen sliding crotch first & colliding with a cameraman was HILARIOUS)