
its cold... its warm! its cold....

It really surprises me that all the shifts & changes in weather weren't the cause of me getting sick these past 2 weeks or so. As much as I'd like to say "I'm used to the random unpredictability of VA weather"..... I'm just not. I had finally reached the point of being content with the colder weather a couple weeks back, when the 70-degree weather hit us for a few days.. and WHAM! Immediately discontent with the cold, and yearning for nothing but warmer spring weather. Now here we are again today... 67-degrees out right now... and I want to enjoy it, but I know it won't last. Ohhhh the dilemmas of living in Virginia..... and yet I love it. I wish it would just get to around 75-80 degrees... and stay there.

What weather do you prefer?


Brian Miller said...

today was amazing weather wise. got out the 4 wheeler for the boys and kicked back in the grass with my wife. Spring and fall are the times for me. Not too hot, not too cool....just right. Can't wait to go camping again!

jake (to the) holla said...

agreed! the not-too-hot/not-too-cold combo is where its at

Josh Haynes said...

I want to live in Antarctica.

SJS said...

Only one thing comes to mind when I read this post:
