
Rock Band = Karaoke 2.0

I spent my Valentine's Day with plenty of relaxation, Tropical Smoothie, and X-Box system link fun with some highly amusing people. What'd you do?


Josh Haynes said...

I wrote seven pages of a fifteen page paper. Haha, suck on that. I V-Day was totally better than yours.

Brian Miller said...

Amazing! Take it on tour! I wanna t-shirt!

Rob said...

Nice. My V-Day was spent with my wife. We take turns planning V-Day and it was her turn. She surprised me all day with gifts. We then went to lunch so we could beat the crowds. That night we watched a 2 year old so our friends could have a date night. By the way one of my gifts was Hulk vs. Have you seen it? Wicked Awesome!

Anonymous said...

That was awesome.