
What if : (disaster edition)

What if: during the next hurricane season, or noreaster, or snow storm (... HA, yeah right)..... something terrible happened to your house during said disaster. I know, I know..... God forbid this were ever to happen, but in the context of this blog... we all have precious possessions in our lives. I'm curious to know what you would grab immediately when rushing to evacuate your living establishment.

Me? I'd grab my laptop (because of all my music & pictures) and any small boxes of photos & memorabilia within safe reach. My life is constantly filled with music, and as far as photos go... well I take pictures of everything. The boxes most likely contain random notes, trinkets, ticket stubs, autographed concert stubs, etc etc... I'm a pack-rat when it comes to nostalgiac items.

SO yes, what would you grab in the rush to escape??


Rob said...

My wife. Everything else I can replace. If she is able to run out on her own I'm taking pictures and as many DVD's as I can hold.

Josh Haynes said...

My guitar and my computer. Forget grabbing memorial type things. This would just give me more reasons to make another lifetime worth of memories.

Brian Miller said...

Bottled water.
Emergency kit.
A book to read.