
welcome to dreamland

I actually woke up 2 hours ago, and was really bummed... because I immediately forgot about the dream I had just woken up from. Luckily I fell back asleep until 10 minutes ago.... and WHAM! Fresh batch of weirdness in dream-form. Here's some highlights.

*Somehow, I ended up with a go-kart... and I was riding it around the McDonald's/7-11 area outside of Poquoson near Magruder... in a field and then in circles in the road before I broke down in front of some old man riding crazily in an off-road golf-cart. He stopped & stared as I tried to turn the go-kart back on like a lawn-mower, with the rip-cord not working at all

*No clue how the dream transitioned to me being at work, but it did. I was serving an older couple at one of my tables, and it was time to pay. They handed me their driver's licenses (for whatever reason) instead of cash or credit cards.... and the rest of the dream was spent showing my co-workers these terribly fake driver's licenses. They both had pictures & fake info taped on top of the license itself... and the man's license looked like was part of a page out of the Driver's handbook from the DMV, cut down to license size... and it randomly listed that he was bilingual, had visited Delaware once, and was 6 ft 3 inches tall

Welp most of this isn't even sounding coherent to me right now.... since I'm still not fully awake... but uh, there you have it! Weird dreams from the mind of Jake.


SJS said...

I love dreams!! have you ever had the "try to scream but nothing comes out" dream? pretty freaky. also another of my faves is the "falling from somewhere and waking up clutching the sides of your bed" dream.

Brian Miller said...

Let me interpret...obviously you have an untapped passion for teaching older people to have fun in life, and the only way that will work is if they stop pretending and get real with themselves and others....or maybe you just need to cut the grass and lay off the cafeine.

mary-el!z. said...

i bet the reason they handed you their drivers license was because that time at ihop i handed the lady my driver license instead of my card! remember?

jake (to the) holla said...

HA! yes i do remember that... wow.. yeah i bet thats why. my subconscious made a mental-note of it since i found that quite amusing