I was recently told about this website (
stumbleupon.com) that just might be the most effective way to waste time
ever. Once you sign up, you personalize your account by checking off things that interest you. Once you're done, you install a toolbar to whatever web browser you use (
Internet Explorer... Firefox... Safari).. and then you simply click the button that says "Stumble!"... and it finds random sites around the internet that it thinks you would like. If you like the result, you click the thumbs up button. If you don't... thumbs down button. The more you give it feedback this way... the more accurate it is with finding random sites that you'd find entertaining.
I just clicked stumble on mine... and this is what it found

I've had it find web sites dedicated to cute fuzzy animals, random internet games, weird illusion pictures, internet cartoon shorts (
just found me one of a giraffe in quicksand.... ??? lol)... and so much more
Check it out if any of that made sense.... and prepare to be amused
That is great! Thanks for the info.
that is amazing!
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