
immature moments of glee

Last night, a video was posted on facebook that hasn't seen the light of day since early last summer.... and it immediately threw me back to that very moment. A moment defined by it's utmost immaturity, and yet absolute hilarity. Picture a calm inlet with a fishing pier and a nearby boat ramp, under the cloak of night. Myself and 2 others were out roaming the land, slightly bored after a rousing night of chasing deer & throwing frisbees @ skunks. We remembered this particular dock-area, and hurried there in hopes of additional mischief. At first glance, there was nothing in sight. No parked cars, no random wildlife, no.... nothin'. We swung the car around by the boat ramp, just to check it out as we left. Lo and behold! 3 dead stingrays had been left to dry out on the ramp! We parked the car, naturally began filming with one of the cameras we were equipped with, and the line "dude, let's throw a rock on one of them" was uttered. I'm not sure who threw the first mini-boulder, but it smacked the nearest stingray with a sickening thud... and we chuckled. Then the cameraman got closer and noticed something amiss with one of the stingrays. There seemed to be a second tail coming out the back end...... could it be??? The now-legendary quote was then uttered... "throw it at that one and see if the baby shoots out".... and sure enough... WHAM! Out spiraled the mini-stingray, as the three of us erupted in hysterics and laughter at this gross-but-highly-amusing sight. It shot at leaaaast 4 feet from the mother stingray.... so ridiculous.

I would have posted the video, rather than go into descriptive-story-mode... but so far it's only on facebook. Maybe once it hits youtube....

Disclaimer : No stingrays were harmed in the making of this video (because they were already dead)


Brian Miller said...

throwing frisbees @ skunks - living dangerous man!

there are game wardens surrounding your house after reading your exploits, suggest shimmying out the basement window.

jake (to the) holla said...

blast.... i dont have a basement window (*grips his Nerf foam-sword tighter*)... time to go down fighting