*playing mock-tour-guide most of the way there on bus 1, supplying such information as "fairies live in fog, and breed in creeks"
*embracing our juvenile glee, and seeing how many cars we can get to wave @ us, and how many semi-trucks will blow their horns in response to our arm-pumping motions
*supplying the last half-hour of the trip to the campground with impressions of Spongebob, Gollum, Pee Wee Herman, Kermit, and so on
*sleeping in a tent fit for 8 to 10 people, with only 3 other guys
*pancakes, potatoes, and scrambled eggs around a fire-pit for breakfast
*during our 1st hike, going off the trail as much as possible to climb every climbable rock/branch/log.. and cross as many creeks with anything similar to a stepping stone
*exploring a cave beneath a massive formation of rocks that we originally were posing on for pictures
*stalking/staring-down/chasing as many deer as possible with our mini "hunting-party" of guys trekking into deeper woods & swamp
*as I had an intense 5-minute staring contest with a deer, another deer crept up behind me... only to feel the blunt force of a whizzing frisbee thrown by my back-up man BJ Templeton
*following/chasing 3 black bears (not our brightest moment....)
*evacuating our evening devotional/discussion due to a curious skunk
*exploring the meadow our campground was named after, and climbing some amazing trees like Mowgli and/or Tarzan
-and now... the pictures-
ha, life is never boring ehh? i always knew that abour faeries...thanks for the confirmation. lol.
Man I hate camping. But I do think you would make it a fun. Cool pics by the way.
you forgot about the chipmunk that met its demise, by your foot.
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