
(mister) bucket list

I'm not sure if the term "bucket list" existed before the Jack Nicholson/Morgan Freeman movie of the same name was released... but regardless, the idea intrigues me. Why wait until you're super old and nearing death to make a list/get started on experiencing this stuff?

(in case you've never seen this : Mr. Bucket... buckets of fun! )

I don't currently have one, but if I did... here's some examples of what would be on that list.

*-visit Australia and hold a koala and/or wrestle a croc (in honor of the late Steve Irwin, of course)

*-meet Conan O'Brien and take a jumping picture with him

*-take part in a massive big-city flash mob (google "flash mob" if you aren't in-the-know)

*-stand on stage at Madison Square Garden, preferably during a concert

*-have a monkey for a pet/sidekick, even if it's only for a brief period of time

*-travel around Israel & the Holy Lands

*-learn to play guitar, and write a song (or songs) for my future wife

*-play Where's Waldo in the Mall of America

Now it's your turn... what would you put on your bucket list??


Rob said...

To see the Lakers in every NBA arena, to preform a song with TobyMac in concert, to preach at Liberty University, and finally to write a book.

Jacob Ray said...

play soccer in a rather important game, write a song that becomes well-known, tour the settings of the New Testament, and create a signature tone/sound for my guitar with my effects

mike mccoy said...

Im In the Middle of doing #7 right now. The only thing I can think of (besides your monkey idea.LOL)is too buy a Maserati or some other expensive car.

Brian Miller said...

dude, i totally want a monkey as a pet. having boys is close but not quite the same.