
downright awesome

There are moments in life (numerous for some, rare for others) that can be simply & justifiably labeled as "downright awesome". Skydiving, swimming with sharks, watching a meteor shower from a mountain-top, getting married to the love of your life, meeting a favorite celebrity or band in a restaurant or airport, watching a space shuttle take-off in-person, seeing your first child for the first time, etc etc etc

One of these moments took place for me this past Saturday, while attending the Four Year Strong concert in Richmond. Now I know this band isn't a household name (yet)... but they do have a strong-and-growing following in the music-scene that my musical-taste calls home. Regardless, the show was jam-packed and completely intense from the very start. Now this "downright awesome" moment took place during the last song of the band's encore. The finale of the song, aka the break down, kicked in... and crowd-surfers & stage divers went into overdrive. I jumped onto the stage and managed to dodge the chaos and hang out back by the drummer and lead singer (the band scooted back so the crowd could freely go crazy). I took this picture with the lead, and the rest is history. Also, his beard equally qualifies as "downright awesome".

Now... what are some of YOUR "downright awesome" moments in life?


Josh Haynes said...

Fruit gushers please!

Brian Miller said...

nice. i have to look that band up.

Brian Miller said...

oh and taking a bath in a moutsin strem and not getting hypothermia...

Rob said...

That is sick. Very cool.

jake (to the) holla said...

Josh - consider them yours. soon.

Brian - yes definitely! never hurts to give something new a listen. and as far as your moment... thats quite intense! i love nature.

Rob - indeed! it was quite the thrill.