
faaave song of the moment?

Music takes up a huge percentage of my day... iPod playlists to wake me up, ringtones of music I enjoy, singin my face off in the car, etc etc etc

So I'm just wondering... what's your favorite song right this very moment? Not necessarily of all time... just a song that you've felt inclined to listen to alot recently... or that got you really pumped sometime in the past week

think about it..... thiiiiink about it..... now GO!

(oh, and my fave song of the moment is "Heroes Get Remembered, Legends Never Die" by Four Year Strong"..... "Disturbia" by Rihanna came in a close second.... lol)


Anonymous said...

R.E.M. losing my religion

Rob said...

Matt Nathanson - Come On Get Higher. Funny thing about this post I was just about to do something similar. I may still do it. You the man!

Rob said...

Jake, you've been "tagged". Check out my blog for details: www.robshep.com.

Anonymous said...

Good Will Hunting By Myself by Ludo. Check it out!