
twitter highlights (7-22-10)

i find daily inspiration / amusement / informative joy via random tweets from the numerous people i follow. here's some recent highlights:

@prodigaljohn In God’s hands your mistakes aren't open cuts, they are healed scars that tell stories of hope other people need to hear

@CobraCommander Oh good. There's a new 5 Hour Energy spokesman. My People To Kill google doc was getting sparse.

@XIANITY MOVIES: 'Deception' in which the devil plants in sleeping preachers' minds the idea that health & wealth is the gospel.

@DarthVader *Sure* Obi Wan hid my son from me on my home planet of Tatooine. Next you'll be telling me I had twins.

@jimgoad We all bleed the same color. Then again, you'd have to stab everyone to verify that.

@davebarnesmusic One Ring to Rule the Mall

@ConanOBrien I found a huge design flaw in my new iPhone. People get angry when I talk on it during a funeral.

any highlights from those that YOU follow (if you're on Twitter)??

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