
procrastination via photo shoot

I realized late last night that I had put off a minor photo shoot for my Digital Photography class 'til the night before it was due to be submitted. Whoooops... and yet! I thrive under pressure... and I'm rather pleased with the turn-out.

*side note: we drew pieces of paper out of a bucket, that determined the subject of this 25-shot photo shoot. my subject ended up being "book"

Here are my top 4 (edit: math isn't my friend... but don't worry, I can count past 3) favorites from knocking out this assignment last night on campus:

hooray for messing with perspective
I should've actually sent this text....
Ohhh the joys of Skype
Behold! Kyle will now call down a bolt of lightning to strike this here book

Looking forward to this next photo-shoot assignment, especially with more opportunities to amp up the creative-thinking. And on that note... time for theology class!


Anonymous said...

You do realize your top "3" photos included 4 entries...???

Haha Other than that looks sweet! I like the first and the fourth the best...

Mya said...

yea whats up with the college student not being able to count? hhmmm....America's education at work! lol. I like 1 and 4 also. The others, while very "out of the box" thinking, just aren't that amazing to me.

Brian Miller said...

oh man i want to see the bolt hit...smiles.

Rob said...

I wish I took that class in college. Good work.