
NSN '08 / t-shirt collection update

Welp, day 13 of NSN '08 is upon us. (NSN = No Shave November... for the uneducated masses). I must say, I'm feeling pretty good about this year's edition. Truthfully... I have been cheating a little bit, because I can't go fully unshaven due to the whole "looking acceptable" at work thing... can't necessarily have an unbridled mountain-man-beard let loose upon the unsuspecting guests @ Fridays. So yes, I apologize if you've lost some faith in my commitment to NSN this year.... but hey, I'm letting the beard itself roam free.... just gotta keep the throat/neck region in check.

But anyways, let's cut over to the visual-check-in

As you can clearly see, the man-beard-growth-rate (or MBGR) is definitely working in my favor. I feel as if it's one of my superhuman abilities, along with being able to function normally with a less-than-desirable amount of sleep. I know... real "saving the world" kinda stuff we're dealing with here... but hey, I'll take what I can get.

On a side note, I'd like to display 2 new t-shirts added to the excessive amount I already have (intervention, anyone?)

the "big six", if you will... although I would have added Daredevil & Thor to the posse, too

Wolverine & Spidey fighting off some evil Aztec warriors. Why? I say... Why not? 'Nuff said.

This concludes the NSN update / t-shirt collection double-whammy-update....... now let those blog-comments fly!


Brian Miller said...

Where does he get those wonderful toys? nice tshirts man! i must say what an impressive MBGR...lol

jake (to the) holla said...

haha actually, the shirts were discovered @ Wal-Mart for a mere $7.50

and yes! thank you, i'm proud of my MBGR hahah