
the little things in life

Every now and then... something comes along in your life that, once you experience, you can't imagine how you survived without. Here's a couple things that fall into that category for me.

-ranch dressing (.... just phenomenal)
-my iPod (especially while driving)
-the band Family Force 5 (speaking of which... they just released their Christmas album "the Family Force 5 Christmas Pageant"... glorious!)
-slip-on shoes (specifically Vans)
-texting (call it a disease.... but hey, i'm happily stricken with this particular bug)
-Vitamin Water (XXX Acai Blueberry Pomegranate all the waaaaay)

I could keep going, but you get the idea.

What are some things in your life that you can't even fathom living without now?

Also, I realize I had a dry-spell for awhile and probably lost some readers.... so c'mon now... take some of your precious internet time and leave a comment, so I know some of you (hopefully) stuck with me!

'tis appreciated. until next tiiiiime (no worries, it'll be soon)


Abby said...

I think you know very well you're stuck with me, babe. :)

Brian Miller said...

slip on shoes are the bomb. laptop. cant, i tried. it was sad.

Rob Russo said...

- facebook
- celine dion CD collection
- recorder from 4th grade
- live to win by paul stanley
- Mexican food
- computer w/ Internet connection
- iced tea

*Some of these may not be true.

スタービーチ said...
