
two! hundredth! POST!

One fateful Monday afternoon in August of 2008.... a blog was born

I don't know whether to pat myself on the back for making it to 200 posts, or to be ashamed that it took me over a year and a half to get to this point. Either way... here I am at a milestone moment of sorts!

(Here's that first post, for your enjoyment)

I'm not gunna lie to you. I had several different ideas for this long-awaited(?) post which didn't pan out in the end. Video randomness was attempted (which will be utilized at a later date... with more planning & opting for daylight instead of night-time) and the days leading up to this very post were just chock-full of scheduling conflicts... time-consuming chaos & fun... and even a run-in with none other than BEN STEIN here on campus.

So yes, it's been a hectic week/weekend. Luckily one of my original ideas ended up being just what I needed to commemorate the big 2-0-0. I now present the LU "spirit rock" with a fresh coat of paint and some shameless self-promotion. Hooray!

 Big thanks to Mr. Joshua Cody Haynes (a fellow blogger?!?) for the assistance in the multiple
coatings of white paint, and to Sr. Chris Dorner for playing photographer.

I felt rather accomplished after doing this 2nite. Definitely worth braving the lower temperatures & passing vehicles that tried (and failed) to make funny drive-by comments. Hopefully this somewhat lived up to any possible expectations you may have had. I greatly appreciate every single one of you that have followed my blog for any period of time... whether from day 1 or since last week! Hopefully those of you that have been uninvolved readers will reveal yourselves via comments and/or starting a blog of your own. Here's to the next 200 posts!

Thanks also goes out to: 

*Robshep and Brian Miller for being top-notch inspirations to stick with it and keep on blogging. Those names are definitely linked for a reason. Add them to your must-reads for the week... well worth it! It's an honor to have active readers/commenters like these stick around, and a double-honor to be mentioned & featured on Rob's blog a couple times.

*Brian Norris for being a fellow blogger/reader/commenter, off-and-on, for years now. Waaaay back to the days of Livejournal... yowza. Also an inspiration to maybe dive into starting a video podcast and/or random video blogs to change things up every now & then.

*Abby Brentner for being a supportive girlfriend in all my nonsensical, meaningful, random, scatter-brained moments of blogging or just plain being myself day-to-day. I may or may not have helped convince her to start one of her own... haha. She may not think she has insightful & worthwhile thoughts on life, but I can vouch otherwise.

*Trey Sanford for citing me as an inspiration to take the plunge with blogging even more, on top of twittering like a champ. Take notice of this one, folks... it's only gunna get better

*Jacob Ray aka my "lil bro" and sidekick in chaotic fun times. He's gotten rather active with his own insightful posts, amidst the random fun, and even purchased his own blog domain shortly after mine was purchased. Definitely appreciate his support & involvement in jakeholla.com!


Anonymous said...

1st comment on the big 2-0-0. holla back jake holla. HEY BUDDY NICE SUIT.
-The Dornstar

Jacob Ray said...

i. love. it.

there's no better way to say "hey there blogger, here's #200. blam" than to say it like that

Brian Miller said...

aw shucks, thanks for the mention...you were the first blogger i ever ran into in public without ever having met before...congrats on 200 posts! that rocks dude...obvious it painted rocks...oh nevermind...

Anonymous said...

Wow, Brian! Excellent comment haha I expected a full on poem in Iambic Pentameter (yes I know what that is) and J-Holla...excellent post as always. I just hit 100 last night, and I've had the blog one year in a half, so I know your pain 100 back! Keep it up and here is to more! Many more!

Livejournal, it still exists you know...it's less viewed than C-SPAN now which isn't saying much, but somehow it lives.

Video casts are a must, and we must DO IT. For it is great.

In the words of Strong Bad...too much of a good thing is a GREAT thing. Too much of a great thing is...really bad and stupid!

So keep doing a GOOD thing! Holla!


Rob said...

Most excellent! Congrats on 200. Thanks for the blog shout. Keep up the good work.

abby ruth said...

anything for you Jake :)

Sam said...

This is awesome, Jake! I always enjoy reading your blog!!

The Hurricane said...

This is my first time checking out your blog.....Congrats on 200!

Josh Haynes said...

Dude those poop spots on you knees look funny in the photo.

Stephen Haggerty said...

Niiice!! Representin the spirit rock. Congrats on 200!