Subject A: the Exhausted Student
The classic case of probably staying up way too late playing Call of Duty, and/or excessive Monster energy drinks. Old Testament Survey proved too much for his attention-span and awakeness. I regret not getting video, because he was totally snoring like a champ. (Side note: he jolted awake shortly after and began furiously taking notes, trying to play it all off)
Subject B: the Bookstore-Couch Sleeper
The typical old-guy-in-a-bookstore. Usually you'll see a book in hand, or a pile of magazines on the lap... but not this guy. He had no intention of convincing himself or anyone else that he was there for the reading. It's a safe bet to say his wife was either shopping around in the store, or maybe even next door looking at some exciting linens and decorative materials. Nap strong, old guy. Nap strong.
What's your favorite place/reason to nap? Or any good stories or pictures of similar people caught in the act of public slumber?
Stay tuned... this is post 199, so you know what that means.... the big 2-0-0 is coming soon. Tomorrow? Wednesday? Next month?? Time will tell....
Generally anyone taking a nap in the library is a good scene. It's just so quite and sleepy in there people get their sleep on super hard. Super hard, I tell ya!
dude the chairs at the B&N are sleep indcuing...i swear...
I once fell asleep in an awful boring class. The problem was I fell asleep with my pen in my hand. I woke up and saw that i had written all over my white shirt.
You didn't know this ahead of time, but that guy in the chair came with the Barnes and
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