*Stepped in a crucial puddle of red clay & mud on the way to class. Good thing I had a spare pair of shoes/pants in the car! That sucker was deep.
New Years resolution: attempt to keep ONE pair of shoes clean...
*Re-watched the movie Cloverfield last night. Intense stuff! The found-footage genre definitely intrigues me (moreso when JJ Abrams is involved)... but I'd prefer this crazy monster-attack story over the demon-possession & creepiness of Paranormal Activity
*When I get bored, I seem to either clean... do laundry... or shave my face in a drastic way. The beard was getting a bit old, so last night I sculpted the beast into some wicked sideburns.
it wouldn't be right to display them without a crazy snarl
*Picking one chill-spot on campus & hanging out for an extended time always seems to produce amusing results. So far I've seen a cowboy, a running class jogging indoors to warm back up from the cold, and.... yep, another cowboy (this time it was the senior-adult edition). What will I see next??
*I have too many pairs of sunglasses, and I'm okay with that.
*I'm currently getting adjusted to my new Macbook Pro. I love it! Definitely a nice change from all the Windows-based computers I'm accustomed to using.
*If you don't mind, prayers would be super-appreciated (regular-appreciation is sooo 2009). I'm starting now on trying to line up a summer job that's ministry-based, rather than going back to my old stomping grounds of serving @ TGI Fridays.
*More light snowfall early this morning, and supposedly more on the way. Total snow-verdose (clever, I know). Make it stop!
That's all for now! Time to trek to my car and escape campus...
love the burns...and hope the stain comes out of the shoe...i need to rewatch cloverfield...stay safe out there too...that SUV that rolled was a mile from my house this morning...
Dude I don't think I own a pair of Khakis that dont somewhere on them (mostly the ankle) have some red tent from the clay at school! I feel ya there. I don't know that I've ever had an encounter like that I HAVE however slid down a one of the hills at east during snow! That wasn't fun!
Do be careful out there!
Also, A "random blurb time" is I believe how I was conceived...HOOOAAAAAAA
You look like Wolverine's brother.
Love the "randomness" of your blog. Your format inspires me (which basically means I'm'a steal your idea). Any ideas what type of ministry for the summer? I'll pray for ya and try to keep my ear to the ground.
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