*It's currently 64-degrees with clear sunny skies here in Lynchbug. SWEET GLORIOUS WEATHER!
*I'll be heading home Friday afternoon for spring break. I'm slightly excited to be home for a couple days (understatement)
*If you recall from past posts, when I mentioned the craze known as "flash mobs"... you may remember reading about my eagerness to plan or be involved in one. Welp, I'm giving one a test-run tomorrow on campus. Currently have 41 people confirmed, 49 "maybe's", and 152 who haven't responded yet. The numbers keep growing by the hour..... fingers-crossed that this works out tomorrow! Fear not, it will be filmed.
*There are many types of flash mobs... from a huge group freezing in place, to a big crowd chasing 1 costumed individual. Here's a personal fave of mine (click to watch)
*I've done better than expected with kick-starting my old exercise-habit of running. 4 days in, so far... although not in a row haha. Aiming to get back to it either 2nite or tomorrow, when my schedule allows.
*the new Iron Man 2 trailer premiered after the Oscars. Needless to say.... I was impressed. Now stop reading, and start watching.
*on that note, I'm headed outside to enjoy the sunshine with Mr. Josh Haynes... after some Sonic-type feasting. Until next time!
dude, that trailer rocks! safe travels home this weekend. so where might this flash mob be happening?
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