
quick blurbs (2-2-10)

-Punxsutawney Phil the chubster groundhog saw his shadow today. 6 more weeks of winter, eh? If so, blahhhhh

-the upside? more snow antics (absurd photo shoots? crazy snowmen? round 2 of sledding?)

-the downside? my birthday is this weekend, and my parents & girlfriend are planning on coming into town from the 757 & PA. i reaaaally hope the potential snow doesn't hinder any of that from happening

-on that note, i'm outta here. time to brave the elements to reach my 2nd & last class o' the day


abby ruth said...

not to worry, I actually know how to drive in the snow! imagine that! :P

Anonymous said...

Nice I knew it was your birthday..and I like sharing mine with your mother...who clear ages better than me...just don't tell her I said she AGES...ha

So I think a return of JAKE-A-THON and WHOADAY-THON Respectively is in order for 2010...

jake (to the) holla said...

Abby: and thaaat i am thankful for! =)very much looking forward to this weekend. but thats rather understood haha

Brian: lol, i wont mention such things to her.. although i'm sure she's well aware by this point. as far as Jake-A-Thon 2010, i dont quite have the manpower & resources here just yet... plus the weather is looking all doom and gloom. but by all means, kick Whoaday-Thon 2010 into gear if possible!

Alex "Knightmare" Keener said...

So what if a groundhog sees it's shadow? Winter'll be over when it wants to be over. The end

Brian Miller said...

hope the weather works out for you. this sleet rain mix right now stinks.

Jacob Ray said...

aaaand then, CFAW weekend will be round two of the birfday festivities, so be prepareddddd