
here we go, february

I'm still adjusting to the fact that it's 2010... and it's already week 3 of the spring semester, AND February!? "Time flies when you're having fun" is no joke.... it's been a blur of a year so far. It also doesn't feel like my birthday is this Saturday... almost like I'm cheating time and getting to celebrate it earlier than normal.

As I was typing this, I glanced over at Twitter and was reminded that tomorrow is Groundhog Day. I went to find a picture commemorating tomorrow's "holiday", and came across this disturbing image.

I've never watched the ceremony on tv, so I'm just wondering if hoisting the groundhog in the air like that is an annual part of the festivities. That poor creature haha.... it would be entertaining if the tables were turned and Punxsutawney Phil (as he's called) went buckwild and sought revenge on his handlers. I chased a groundhog in my yard here in Lynchburg last semester, and could barely keep my composure at the hilarious sight of this chubby creature scurrying away in fear. If only it were caught on video....

But anyways, whaddya think will happen tomorrow??


abby ruth said...

what were the results of ground hog day, do you know?

jake (to the) holla said...

i can't see the future, so i dunno :P its tomorrow!

Brian Miller said...

there are enough groundhogs around here. think we could catch one? you could reinact the pic for tomorrow. smiles.

more snow coming this weekend, get your ninja suit ready!