Anyways, time to get back on track!
*I headed home to the 757 here in VA for spring break shortly after escaping class on Friday the 12th... such incredible weather for driving! I'm glad it stuck around for most of the week
*immediately upon arrival, I headed to my home church (Liberty Baptist) for a youth event going on that weekend. it was an added bonus to see none other than RobShep and the Waters Edge youth & volunteers there!
*this video (click here) was the product of some hang-time & collaborative creativity during the break with some very close friends of mine. I guarantee you'll enjoy it (especially the ending)... and yes, this is a re-post... but it's totally worth it
*saw the movie Green Zone (new Matt Damon movie). I was bummed by all the political undertones that were force-fed by a pretty clear anti-war agenda, Hollywood style
*my flash mob video was selected to be shown @ Liberty University's spring Coffeehouse event! think : talent exhibition in a basketball arena, with a stage for live performances and numerous big screens for displaying videos. i'm rather amped! hope it inspires/motivates more of the student body to get involved in the next few flash mobs we do on campus
*one day closer to Iron Man 2. 'nuff said.
*speaking of which, I purchased this laptop skin for my Mac-Pro... and it's incredible!
yep, I'm a comic-geek. this further solidifies that status
*experienced Philadelphia for the first time this past weekend! I went to PA for the last half of the break to see my girlfriend Abby (whom I was able to see lead worship for Penn State's Cru.... amazing!), and we drove to Philly the next day to see one of her fave musician's perform. Check out Mat Kearney if you aren't familiar with his music!
*myself, Abby, and her brother Tim hiked Mt. Nittany back in State College, PA the day after the concert. here are a couple pictures from when we reached the viewing point
I conquer mountains in my spare time
nice pics... skin is awesome...hots on the vid being selelcted, just means another must are you back now?
Love the randomn blurb time! I'm headed to LU this Friday to speak in a youth class for youth emphasis week. I'm bringing two students and it's going to be a quick trip, but it'd be cool to see you again.
I have almost bought that Mac skin like 27 times. It is the coolest!
Keep up the Flash Mob goodness. I think they might be your greatest calling in life.
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