
my return to youtube

In years past, I made attempts at keeping a consistent Youtube account, but the motivation & activity faded eventually

(sound familiar? *cough* previous-blog-attempts *ahem*)

In light of my success in maintaining a blog and sticking with it.... I've decided to give it another go with videos. It also helps that I recently acquired a FlipVideo camera (SO GOOD!). Without further adieu... here's 2 videos from my new Youtube channel!

I've always wanted to film something with one of those crazy inflatable
flailing things... and the opportunity finally struck!

Disclaimer: You should probly avoid this video-chat site... the creeper-quotient & inappropriateness is WAY too high... 'nuff said. Just take my word for it.

I'm planning on figuring more & more out about the editing software at my disposal, as I get better acquainted with all the features & whatnot, and maybe checking out some better video-editing programs if need be.

Either way, these are only the first of many... flash mobs, music videos, random nonsense amongst friends... the possibilities are endless! Until next tiiiiime....

1 comment:

Brian Miller said...

we love the cheese man..we pass him coming home from bwood...the boys had a pretty good laugh at your dance...