
worthwhile favor

My good friend & cohort in creative awesomeness Jason Fowler approached me today (as much as one could "approach" someone via Facebook message... haha) regarding this here blog of mine. Jason's been like a brother to me over the past couple years and we've shared many moments plotting & scheming amidst the world of t-shirt designs and other mediums of artistic output.

Currently Jason has a t-shirt design submitted in a contest on Facebook for the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy. It's something Jason made, it's martial-arts related, and it's founders are Brazilian... so that's a triple-whammy of approval for me!

(disclaimer: this is Jason, not the t-shirt design... just to put a face/ninja jump kicking pose to the name)

Here's where you come in, blog readers & read-ettes (I doubt that's a legit term, but hey.... it is now!). Jason needs people to go to his picture posted on the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Facebook page and simply click the "like" button. Every instance of this counts as a vote! He's currently trailing by 20 or so votes... so let's change that biiiiig-time! That's extremely simple and quick, so there's no excuse not to give up 10 seconds of your day to get your like-button vote on. It would be much appreciated by Jason, that's for sure!

Some people have been coming across issues with there being no "like" button to click. You may have to become a fan of the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy page that it's linked to first... then it should appear. It also wouldn't hurt friending Jason Fowler himself! Hope that helps!

oh and this is the link : CLICK HERE!

(also, Jason's fledgling t-shirt design company C.O.W. has a mini online store. Check it out and maybe even buy a shirt while you're at it... support local aspiring designers!)


Jacob Ray said...

i tried this action, and there's no "like" button for me to click

it might be that i'm not his facebook friend, or a fan of the organization

Brian Miller said...

ran into the same problem...

jake (to the) holla said...

UPDATED: Some people have been coming across issues with there being no "like" button to click. You may have to become a fan of the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy page that it's linked to first... then it should appear. It also wouldn't hurt friending Jason Fowler himself! Hope that helps!