
dreamland nonsense

I've noticed lately that my dreams are becoming even weirder/more random (or maybe they've always been that way, I just seem to remember them more often lately).

Just to give you an idea of the level of bizarre content... last week I had a dream that I was in a heated conflict with 24's Jack Bauer over an arcade game, and somehow in the midst of the clash... I accidentally released a very angry grizzly into the streets.

I escaped harm by flapping my arms and flying up to a power line, so I could swing over to a rooftop.

..... WHAT

Anyways, the more pressing reason I brought this up is due to last night's duo of dreams. That's right, a double whammy of weird. My first was SO off-the-wall and confusing that I woke up and tried to snap out of it... fell back asleep... and had a 2nd dream in which I tried to explain the first dream to a couple friends while at lunch. I'm pretty sure that's a first. Having a dream in which I consciously reference the previous dream and attempt to make sense of it... while asleep.

I'm not even sure what to make of that. Any takers? Or any strange dreams that you remember and feel like sharing? Go for it.


Rob said...

That's crazy. It might be because you haven't had Chipotle in a while. Your subconscious is revolting against Moe's

Brian Miller said...

you have been studying way too hard...need a break...obviously. smiles.

jake (to the) holla said...

Rob - hahah you would say that. however, that very well could be the case

Brian - studying?? surely you jest. there's no studying during the first week of classes. that's crazy talk