
undeserved opportunities


It's a wonder that I ever slack off or falter away from my relationship with God.... because despite my ignorance & lack of effort at times to spend time in the Word & talking to Him, He still blesses me with such amazing opportunities & experiences. It's all coming together, into the bigger picture of just how much Liberty Baptist's youth group has meant to my life as a whole. I was presented with the opportunity to speak tomorrow night for the youth group, while Ben & John Paul (the high school/middle school pastors) are on a leadership retreat with some of the youth. I thought alot of time/prayer would go into what I should talk about tomorrow, but almost instantly it hit me. Well, moreso the general topic... but today as I sat here reading & writing out my message's outline, it became very clear how important this youth group has been for me & who I've become up to this point in my life.

At first, I was merely going to talk about the masks we wear in life... especially during the years of middle/high school... where many feel like they have to change who they are depending on their environment, or who they're around. Putting on a mask for school, and changing masks to go to church, or to work, or even how we present ourselves online. As I sat here formulating my thoughts, the importance of community & fellowship amongst fellow believers inter-weaved itself into the topic at hand. I realized how my time spent as a student in the youth group, and how I was truly myself & comfortable there, shaped who I am now... and how the disconnect between that and how I acted at school was illogical (surprisingly enough... I was the quiet kid who kept to myself more often than not... lost in my random sketching/doodling). It was so liberating for me when I realized that, towards the end of my high school years.. and how important it was for those masks to be thrown away, and just be me.. no matter where I am or who I'm surrounded by. I can only hope at least 1 of the youth tomorrow night walks away from hearing the message, and strives to apply the necessary changes in their own life.

I was feeling a bit hesitant at first... because despite my usual nature, I'm not the biggest fan of public speaking. Luckily word got out that I was speaking this week, and the encouragement & excitement from various kids from the youth group & others has really motivated & pumped me up for tomorrow.

Welp, there you have it.... one step closer & one more experience lined up to keep me in-check & grounded in what I need to be doing with my life... bittersweet to leave in August for school, but exciting nonetheless.... and double-the-excitement when I'm able to come home to see all these youth again for events like Disciple Now weekend retreats and maybe random Wednesday & Sundays


You'll find no answers here said...

While I don't have the same beliefs that you do, I've always had mad respect for how you are always 100% yourself. Hanging with you, I've never noticed a mask or anything but who you are. So, mad props on that. Nice delivery from the blogowave. Also, whether or not you think you're a public speaker, you're obviously a born leader and take to the fore with ease.

Rob said...

Jake, that is awesome. As a junior in High School I had a chance to speak on Wed. night to the youth at LBC. That night was monumental for my life. I have a question for you...I need a couple of guest blogs for next week and I was wondering if you could write one. I'm taking the students to camp and I want some fun guest blogs. Let me know if you can do it.

Anonymous said...

See look at that Jake...opportunity after opportunity...now you get to guest blog on RobSheps Blog! I'm liftin you up today bro!

Brian Miller said...

i am sure you will do will...will give a special prayer for you to be used. you the man!

Rob Russo said...

I'm sure it will be rewarding to both you and the students. Break a leg out there!

Great to here about school, too. I missed the previous announcement if there was one. Where are you going? What are you going to study?