
evening randomness

*the sunny weather yesterday & today truly made this weekend all-the-better... being indoors was kicked to the curb as an option for how to spend my time (if i had a choice)

*i wish i was in San Diego with the youth on their mission trip... oh CA, how i miss you (sometimes)

*frisbee "tournament" today... played a couple high-energy games, then went for an epic catch in game 3 and jacked up my right thumb. woo hoo! crazy-swollen.. jammed.. hopefully not broken. swollen thumbs up!

*watch this video (Will Ferrell crashing the set of a talk show lol)

*Adam and Bealer are currently jamming to some No Doubt via Rock Band. I shall join them soon, since the vocals don't require usage of my thumb =)

*I realize the hypocrisy in being inside watching friends play a video game.. after just stating how lame being indoors was with such nice weather..... but calm down, I was outside from 2 until 7ish. Boo yah!

*also watch this video (this guy beatboxes the "in the jungle, the mighty jungle" song)

*got my Busch pass today!! I'm extremely excited to go soon... I miss riding the coasters, after going without a pass last summer. who's comin with me??

*back to Adam & Bealer // now they're playing a Spongebob song on Rock Band (!!!)

*my stomach just made a noise, and I'm pretty sure it's pleading for Wawa. time to persuade the guys to put down the guitar & drumsticks, and venture outwards for some deliciousness.


Brian Miller said...

i am in awe of your randomness. the weather today was primo. took in some park-age.

SJS said...

I got a pass this year for the first time since hiiiiigh school! We need to get the posse to the gardens and make it great.

mary-el!z. said...

all of that is great, besides the thumb part