As you may have noticed... if you've watched the news, read the paper, browsed the daily Twitter updates, or spent time on Facebook....... almost everyone in the 757 is bound & determined on the chance of real, actual, worthwhile snow tomorrow.
Here's my take on the situation :
a) it's still going to be in the mid-20's/low-30's tomorrow, so it's not like the snow is going to stick
b) for all we know... it will be in the 70's again by the weekend. c'mon now, it's Virginia.
c) some of you will still be wearing flip-flops... even if it is freezing cold outside. morons.....
and finally
d) if by some miraculous chance that this "snow" we're getting tomorrow sticks, and packs more than 2 inches onto the ground..... I'll be SO much more hyped & excited about it than any of the hype-train snow lovers are... because I won't be expecting it. Boo yah?
Okay, enough about my take on all of this. What do YOU think??
Nachrichten Aktuell
2 years ago
I totally agree. Today at work my DM called and was like "So Cassie how much snow are you guys exspecting?" "Uh, what?" "Ya'll are gonna get snow right" "Oh no, I don't watch the weather b/c I like surprises."
She just laughed at me. Everyone knows Virginia never gets snow. :/ Specially Danville, b/c we believe it's centered over Hell. Danville = Evilland. Ha.
Wow sorry I wrote a book. :(
lol, writing a book is better than writing NO COMMENT AT ALL hahah... but yes, i agree... i like surprises
I might be the only person on earth who actually dislikes snow. Sooooo.. we got some yesterday up here in H-burg, I slept through the actual showering. Unfortunately it's stuck and iced some downhill paths... resulting in well, a less than graceful slide to the bottom of the hill. Anyhow short story long, I believe we'll get snow up here, but i'd be pleasantly surprised if we didn't.
Any snow? I am driving back here in a couple hours.
Snow adds a freshness to the world, everything pretty in a solid white blanket. Until you have to go out in it...unless of course you are using snowballs to create havoc...then it's pretty cool.
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