
Sooo terrible... it's amazing

Stumbled across this old Journey music video..... and I wasn't prepared for all the hilariously bad moments scattered throughout. You MUST watch this video... it's a classic. SO terrible that it's pure gold.

Also, be on the lookout at the 2:31 marker.... my favorite part of the entire video.

If any music videos came to mind of the so-bad-it's-amazing type.... find that sucker on youtube and post the link the in comments! And re-post your terrible music video finding on your blog. Let's start a chain of these ridiculous video treasures.


Designer Rob Russo said...

Great post. Too amazing for words.


I thought this was great. Of course, this is something I see you and your best buds doing (and pulling off SO much better).

Anonymous said...


Brian Miller said...

Nice. Rob's follow up is funny as well. Early music video history is amazing in and of itself.

Jes said...

Wow. I just can't find the words...oh wait...yes I can...


I will now post this on Facebook - Jake - you're a true patron of the arts and I appreciate that.

jake (to the) holla said...

wow... yes, Josh & I have already talked about re-making that video... possibly shot-for-shot YET using a different song. maybe even several alternate versions! mind-blowing, I know. just imagine that music video, to the tune of an NSync or Kelly Clarkson song