
"mind-bottling" cinema

Just finished re-watching the movie Donnie Darko with some of the dudes.... and I forgot how ridiculously deep & confusing that movie was. Watching it with a couple first-timers reminded me of how flabbergasted (awesome word, use it) I was after seeing it for the first time. Other movies that had a similar effect are the first Matrix movie, Signs, the Butterfly Effect, and Identity (the twist in that movie... holy cow...). What are some movies you've seen that really blew you away mentally... where you had to sit around and think for awhile, trying to wrap your head around it?

Also, props if you know what movie I'm referencing in the blog title.


Anonymous said...

you deff got cool points for Identity.
I've never seen donnie darko. :/

Brian Miller said...


Rob said...

I agree with Brian on Momento. Also the Matrix and the 6th Sense. When I first saw the Matrix I stoop up mid way through to walk out. I thought it was dumb. I decided to stay because I didn't have anything else to do. I loved the movie by the end.

Designer Rob Russo said...

Memento immediately came to mind while reading the post, before reading the previous comments. (Check spelling ... I only know cause I had to Google it to confirm this was indeed the movie I was thinking of.)

jake (to the) holla said...

i would say the Sixth Sense, too..... but i didnt see it opening weekend when it came out... and someone ruined it for me the monday after in my English class.... what a jerk

can't remember if i've seen memento, but i need to watch it (again?) either way

Rob said...

Jake, have you seen the new Punisher movie. It's awful! I'm just curious because you said it wasn't as bad as Ghost Rider. I beg to differ. Nic Cage could win an Oscar with his preformance compared with the acting in Punisher.