* passed a hotel on the way home 2nite, and the sign said "Come in and see what we love about you staying here"........... that doesn't entice me, in the least, to ever stay at that hotel. what they "love about you staying here" could very well be the opportunity for them to cook you up raw. yes, i just accused this hotel's staff of cannibalism. it's late... just go with it.
*Smallville may have upped the "cheese factor" in more & more episodes as the season's have gone by...... but boy do I still love that show. I guess I've just grown emotionally attached to the characters enough to overlook corny moments & outfits for supporting-cast/guest stars who hail from the comic world. Clark with Lois > Clark with Lana.
*It snowed a bit earlier, but I was asleep......... drat.
*Twilight = overhyped "phenomenon"...... at least as far as the movie goes. Haven't read the books, so I can't comment on those. 96X needs to re-think their on-air ads, because they claimed it was the "most talked-about/most anticipated movie of the year". Fire whoever authorized that radio ad, because we're still in the year of The Dark Knight. That's just ignorant, yo.
*This man-beard may continue into December, once No-Shave-November comes to an end..... but no promises.
*On that note..... an NSN pic-update!
That's all for 2nite/this morning........ stay classy.
Nachrichten Aktuell
2 years ago
First, the beard is rockin it. Second, be afraid, very afraid of the hotel. C, Samllville jumped the shark for me, unfortunately. 4, need more snow. And for that matter more sleep it seems.
You are a funny dude.
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