
Hi, my name is Jake... and I'm an addict

ad-dic-tion (uh-dik-shuhn) - noun
1. Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance
2. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.

So, addictions...... we all have them, whether it's something beneficial... or something that eats away at us on a daily basis (donuts? cuban cigars? designer shoes?)

I'm addicted to comic books, Dr Pepper, the cheesy gordita crunch (with extra baja sauce, thankyewverymuch), and buying excessive amounts of t-shirts/sunglasses.

What are you addicted to??


Designer Rob Russo said...

Cheesy Gordita Crunch. I second that. With extra baja as well. I, however, sub refried beans instead of beef. It's delicious.

Brian Miller said...

Nice, comic fan as well...but have overcome the addiction it think. Books, praise (they can't all be good), starbucks.

jake (to the) holla said...

i dont think i'll ever break the comic-addiction.... although i'm not sure i want to haha

Jes said...

Cheesy Gordita Crunch with beans instead of meat and an extra side of BAJA SAUCE WOOOOOT! Oh - and tea. And thanks for the blog comment - I needed that! :D

Rob said...

Movies is my addiction. I love them! I also love Chipotle.