
photographer (wannabe) extraordinaire!

This past week, I purchased a shiny new camera (Canon T1i) to assist me in my digital photography class (and because I've wanted this camera since last year)... and already I'm getting even more hooked on having a camera on me at all times. I'll share more pictures as they come, but I just wanted to share these 2 back-to-back pictures from yesterday afternoon.

YES! I caught a crazy praying-mantis on camera in mid-flight. I took a tonnnn of pictures of it as it explored our side-porch area, and luckily I got this shot during my hang-time with this lil guy (or girl? no clue)


(Video)- Ticklish Camel

I enjoy the little things in life... and sometimes the most simple things can make me hit the floor laughing. This would be one of those cases (see video):


random blurb time (9-10-10)

*I had a PB & J sandwich yesterday for lunch. Am I saying that as an embarrassing confession? Nay.... I am declaring that proudly. I would be double-proud if I had coupled that with some chocolate milk.

*Speaking of child-like things that I enjoy more now in my 20's than I did as a child.... I love NAPS. I need to love them alot less. I can hardly manage a shortened quality nap... always ends up being a several hour hibernation

*I'm ready for the Fall TV season to begin! Especially for Community and The Office

*The weather is b-e-a-utiful outside today! Sunny and 75 degrees right now. I'm a huge fan of days like this one.

*Downtown Lynchburg is hosting an outdoor festival 2nite to boost interest / business in the area. It's called Get!Downtown, and there's gonna be street performers, live music, vendors, a wall to decorate via graffiti/paint, and so much more. I'm genuinely looking forward to this... especially due to the the weather

*Going on my first trip as a Student Activities employee tomorrow! Tubing down the James River. Getting paid to relax while floating carelessly along with friends & other random students? Yes yes yes and YES

Just some of us crazy S.A. staffers at the recent Block Party event

*Another department on campus just got in some HD water-proof helmet cameras, and they're letting us borrow them for trips and whatever else we can come up with. Our staff going on the whitewater rafting trip gets the camera tomorrow, but hopefully I'll get to use that sucker in the near future. We tested it out in the office today, and it's an awesome little device.

*Hit 6,000 tweets today. Hooray for trivial accomplishments!

*God has been working overtime this semester. New place to live, amazing new friends to mix in with the usual crew, awesome job to keep me busy & responsible, and quality speakers thus far bringing the heat with challenging sermons/lessons. Hope the trend continues!

*NFL owners vs players over money, possibly leading to a strike? Soooomehow I could care less about guys who make millions of dollars for playing football, when they arent sitting on the bench... or getting into legal / tabloid trouble. Boo friggin hoo

That's all for today. Go embrace the rest of your Friday!


procrastination via photo shoot

I realized late last night that I had put off a minor photo shoot for my Digital Photography class 'til the night before it was due to be submitted. Whoooops... and yet! I thrive under pressure... and I'm rather pleased with the turn-out.

*side note: we drew pieces of paper out of a bucket, that determined the subject of this 25-shot photo shoot. my subject ended up being "book"

Here are my top 4 (edit: math isn't my friend... but don't worry, I can count past 3) favorites from knocking out this assignment last night on campus:

hooray for messing with perspective
I should've actually sent this text....
Ohhh the joys of Skype
Behold! Kyle will now call down a bolt of lightning to strike this here book

Looking forward to this next photo-shoot assignment, especially with more opportunities to amp up the creative-thinking. And on that note... time for theology class!