I've noticed a growing trend lately (and was also reminded of this trend by one of my boss's tweets) . It's not something that should be embraced, nor is it a hype-train to be boarded proudly. In fact, this very act makes me want to avoid certain social behaviors that I typically am known for on a daily basis. SO what exactly am I referring to??
People not washing their hands after using the friggin bathroom!
I honestly don't understand it, in the least. Is it a case of being raised incorrectly? Or laziness blowing up into such a huge factor in life that washing one's hands is far too difficult & complicated? I mean SERIOUSLY! I'm not a germaphobe by any mans, nor do I carry around a bottle of sanitizer in case I suddenly have the itch to cleanse my hands every 2 minutes... but still... this is just too much.
Obviously I'm speaking from a guy's perspective here, since I haven't the slightest clue if this also carries over to being a common thing for women... so YES, I am ratting out a good chunk of my gender for this gag-nasty habit. Be afraid, ladies... be very afraid. And on that note, I leave you with this picture found via Google search!
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2 years ago