
Comic Geeks.... ASSEMBLE!

As I expected, today was a great day to be a comic geek. Especially for fans of comic book movies. Not only did the Avengers teaser site go online, but the cast of the movie was brought together on stage @ Comic-Con 2010 in San Diego 2nite! 'Nuff said.. now look at these pictures!
The teaser logo for the movie! Comic accurate (as it needed to be), and I love it!
L to R : Robert Downey Jr (Tony Stark/Iron Man), Clark Gregg (S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Coulson), Scarlett Johannson (Black Widow), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Chris Evans (Steve Rogers/Captain America), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Jeremy Renner (Clint Barton/Hawkeye), Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner/Hulk), Joss Whedon (director of "The Avengers"), and Kevin Feige (producer / President of Marvel Studios)


twitter highlights (7-22-10)

i find daily inspiration / amusement / informative joy via random tweets from the numerous people i follow. here's some recent highlights:

@prodigaljohn In God’s hands your mistakes aren't open cuts, they are healed scars that tell stories of hope other people need to hear

@CobraCommander Oh good. There's a new 5 Hour Energy spokesman. My People To Kill google doc was getting sparse.

@XIANITY MOVIES: 'Deception' in which the devil plants in sleeping preachers' minds the idea that health & wealth is the gospel.

@DarthVader *Sure* Obi Wan hid my son from me on my home planet of Tatooine. Next you'll be telling me I had twins.

@jimgoad We all bleed the same color. Then again, you'd have to stab everyone to verify that.

@davebarnesmusic One Ring to Rule the Mall

@ConanOBrien I found a huge design flaw in my new iPhone. People get angry when I talk on it during a funeral.

any highlights from those that YOU follow (if you're on Twitter)??


best. costumes. ever.

is it wrong that i want to begin setting aside money to purchase one of these for my very own?


random blurb time (7-12-10)

*I finally returned to Kings Dominion this past weekend, after 15+ years. The last time I was there, I was too short (and too scared) to ride any of the coasters. I rode all of them but 2 on Saturday (the lines were either unruly, or I was exhausted). I can finally say I've been on Volcano, and almost blacked out on the Intimidator 305 coaster. Pretty sure we all started to get tunnel vision while flying around the first massive turn... I-N-T-E-N-S-E

*Spain won the World Cup yesterday. WOO HOO! I would've preferred Brazil in the final match, so I'm glad the Netherlands lost due to the fact that they knocked my fave team out of the quarterfinals.

*The quality of movies this summer has been very hit-or-miss. I'm glad that the last 3 movies I saw were all enjoyable (Knight and Day, Despicable Me, and Predators)

*Summer is definitely reaching that point where work, plans, events, and everything in-between is starting to stack up. Not that I'm complaining, I'm just saying... PHEW, I love it all... but it definitely makes me thankful for the down-time when I can embrace a nap

*I glanced @ my Brazil jersey last night, and was suddenly reminded of the unopened soda can of Brazil's very own Guarana Antarctica. If you've had the privilege of trying it, you know how unique and faaaantastic it is. I'm seriously on the hunt now to find some, after hearing/reading rumors that it can be found in select stores/restaurants here in the States.

*I've come to the final decision that Sonic food makes me feel gross. Same goes for McDonald's, Taco Bell, and almost every other fast food joint that I eat at throughout the month. Ideally, I would cut all of those out of my dining habits... and sneak Wawa in every now and then to indulge, because Wawa's never done me wrong like the others have.

*Google "Paul the octopus" and read any of the articles that come up about his prophetic World Cup predictions. Bizarre & amusing stuff from those crazy superstitious Germans.

*Even though I remembered that yesterday (7-11-10) was National Free Slurpee Day @ 7-11, I still forgot to go and get one when I was out & about driving in the vicinity of numerous 7-11's

I could probably keep going and going, but I'll cut this post off there. Until next time!


The Last Airbender (belated review)

Review: Go see Toy Story 3 instead, whether you've seen it already or not. You'll feel much better about yourself, and the money you spent, and about cinema in general. Pixar never fails. Shyamalan does. This movie looks great, but has no heart... no beneficial substance to it... and the pacing / story-telling is just plain amateur. I should've gone with my gut-instinct and backed out of my plans to see the midnight release last week. Oh well, I'll be more prepared *if* there's a next time for Mr. Shyamalan's declining career as a director.

Shorter review: Don't see it. I'd rather bang my head against a wall covered in sandpaper for 2 hours than watch this again.