*Tonight, I will be experiencing Conan O'Brien's live tour in D.C. (
aka the "Legally Prohibited From Being Funny On Television Tour"). I am rather ecstatic to see him live, as well as his cohort Andy Richter and the band from his old show
- Fun fact : almost every night of the tour has included some surprise guests (ex. Jim Carrey, Pearl Jam, Tina Fey, Eli Manning, Stephen Colbert, etc etc)... so my mind is racing at the possibilities of who may show up 2nite. I really hope this isn't one of the few shows that doesn't have a surprise celebrity appearance
the official tour poster
*I won tickets to yet another concert this past weekend. I took my long-time cohort Chris Dorner to see one of our new fave bands Passion Pit at the Norva. It still baffles me how my uncanny luck continues with concerts, movies, etc
*As of yesterday, I have indulged in 4 Chick-Fil-A spicy chicken sandwiches. I must say... the pepper-jack cheese addition is the way to go. However, I'm not too sure about following it up with a milkshake... like I usually do after having the regular chicken sandwich combo
*Has anyone ever been skydiving? My fantastical girlfriend Abby mentioned recently that she would love to do it sometime. I'm on-the-fence about the idea... I'll do some crazy stuff, but I'm not a dedicated fan of heights... so I'm boldly undecided
*I'm already missing all my TV shows... I don't want fall to be here yet, but I will be glad to have all my shows back to watch each week
*This Friday is the Tropical-Tiki-Luau-A-Palooza Fest @ the LSM Student Center. I'm eager to see how it turns out. This has the potential to become a recurring annual event. Which remind me... I need to go find some tropical apparel... ASAP! Stay tuned for possible pictures from the event, if they are deemed worthy
*The classic group game known simply as Silent Football is back in full force, as of this past weekend. If you're in-the-know... then you know what this means. If you don't, then... well... it does no justice typing out what this game entails. You just need to experience it. Regardless, being in a room with 15+ people holding back tears from laughing so hard is just downright great fun
this video