
animatronic groove fest

I'd pay to see the Country Bears and/or Chuck E. Cheese & friends break it down to some club beats.


tattered & worn out

If you've been around me enough, you know I tend to wear my shoes to the bitter end. While one person looks at that top pair and thinks "wow.... those look like absolute crap. buy new shoes! NOW!".... I look at them and think of all the stories that go along with every tear & fray & faded color. All the concerts spent jumping around & having my feet stepped on..... every tree climbed with less & less grip, and rock hiked across while exploring.... the countless sections of pavement/sidewalk/grass that i've ran upon... and so much more.

These new shoes only make me wonder what stories will go along with the inevitable destruction-over-time.... and I couldn't be more excited


late nite obstacles

While driving home 2nite from a 6-hour XBOX 360 fest with my small group + a couple more (playing the likes of Halo 3 & Call Of Duty 4), I turned onto the road before mine... only to notice some strange objects in the road a little ways down. As I got closer, the objects came into focus... a doll house, a child-size bench, and several frame-work shelves & other assorted junk. They were neatly lined up across both lanes... preventing casual passage. I sat there for a second, taking in the scene... glancing around to see if any of the guilty mischief-makers were hiding off to the side laughing at this car stopped by their barrier. After that brief moment, I proceeded to slip by to the left with juuust enough space to carry on my way. Whoever these bored individuals were left a path of chaos in their wake.... as I passed several other road-obstructions of mattresses and anything else these people could find to put in the road.

I'm just glad I spent my Saturday nite in a slightly more productive manner.... minus the brain cells fried from excessive button-mashing + staring at the screen while engrossed in the intensity.

What did YOU do and/or experience this weekend??


techno. viking.

Have you ever come across a video while browsing Youtube that really makes you wonder about a person's life story? This video made it's rounds 2-ish years ago... and wow, it really makes me curious as to who this guy is. I had forgotten about this video until today, so I thought I'd bring it back for any newcomers.. and definitely for those of you who had also forgotten about this video gem.

(in case you've never experienced Techno Viking... then you MUST watch this)

What do YOU think the real back-story behind this video is?
I'll post what I think in the replies.


museum adventures

Among other things this year.... I've decided to stop thinking & start taking action.

In this particular case... I always pass the VA Living Museum when driving to or nearby CNU... and I kept saying I wanted to go check out their new building... ALL last year. Did I ever go? Nope.

Welp, I finally went. Luckily my fellow-adventurer Mary was just as hyped to make the most of the day by exploring the VLM too.

'Nuff said... It's picture time.

Ah yes, we also drove around the battle-fields @ Yorktown just jammin' out to music & taking more random pictures.... twas an excellent sunny day (despite the cold...)

Go make the most of your free time... think of that one place (or several places) that you've always wanted to check out.... and just go! Solo adventures are fun, but having people who are all for tagging along is definitely a plus too.

Why are you still reading?? Go explore & take pictures, then post a recap. I triple dog dare you.


Snow, huh?

As you may have noticed... if you've watched the news, read the paper, browsed the daily Twitter updates, or spent time on Facebook....... almost everyone in the 757 is bound & determined on the chance of real, actual, worthwhile snow tomorrow.

Here's my take on the situation :

a) it's still going to be in the mid-20's/low-30's tomorrow, so it's not like the snow is going to stick

b) for all we know... it will be in the 70's again by the weekend. c'mon now, it's Virginia.

c) some of you will still be wearing flip-flops... even if it is freezing cold outside. morons.....

and finally

d) if by some miraculous chance that this "snow" we're getting tomorrow sticks, and packs more than 2 inches onto the ground..... I'll be SO much more hyped & excited about it than any of the hype-train snow lovers are... because I won't be expecting it. Boo yah?

Okay, enough about my take on all of this. What do YOU think??


"poetic" blogs > sleep

gotta love inspiration to blog @ almost-3am. brian miller's latest blog reminded me of this poem-of-sorts that I wrote back in December '07. so uh... enjoy? feedback is fun.

-from the facebook note "some 'poetic' randomness"
(Sunday, December 23, 2007 at 1:12am)

well i sleep away the sunlight
(or dream away the rest)
more time wasted than time well spent
(or vice versa?)
drag me outta bed and change my routine
(real breakfast is so rare these days)
let's stop talking up grand schemes
(and listing off ideas)
reality needs what's been kept on paper
(stop wasting trees and start climbing them)
the bruises, the scars, and the broken bones
(beat the worries, the sighs, and the bloodshot eyes)
lets sing our faces off and dance til we're numb
(the kind of moments you truly feel your pulse)
just catch me on a good day
(and i'll spend it all with you)


time for an old-fashioned duel

The clock strikes noon.

Back to back.

10 paces in opposite directions.

Reach for the gun.

And.... come to a mutual agreement?

Rather than end their dispute with bloodshed & tears.... the dust settled and the two opposing forces decided to make a deal, allowing their mutual interest to remain untouched.

I should probably mention that I'm referring to Warner Bros. & Fox finally coming to an agreement over their disputed claims of the upcoming Watchmen movie. Warner Bros will still release the movie on March 6th, 2009, as originally planned. It seems some money was thrown Fox's way, with a supposed percentage going to them from the box office... but the movie & additional rights will remain in WB's possession.

You're either rejoicing right now... or haven't a clue and/or interest in what I'm talking about... but hey, that's okay too.

Go watch last night's episode of The Office (if you haven't already) for another type of duel.... Dwight versus Andy.

I have Tombstone in my possession, and plan on watching it very very soon. Props to Rob for bringing this movie back to my attention


conviction at it's finest

Saw this video earlier 2nite, and it really struck me. Watch it and then hit the comment section up to discuss.


13 days (too long)

13 days into 2009, and what an experience of ups-and-downs it's been already. I keep wanting to put my foot down and claim my ground in situations as-of-late... but I just end up stepping lightly, or not at all. That's 13 days too long of not strapping on the man-boots so as to stomp downwards with ground-breaking force. So often in life... we get briefly motivated & fired up to take a stand, or in wanting to make the moves towards accomplishing something.... and yet we let outside factors cancel out that driving force to stick to it.

I'm tired of comfort zones... of beating around the bush... of playing it safe... of side-stepping the issues

Time to strap on those brute-force boots... and give the Richter scale a workout


the joys of television

I've kept away from TV for the majority of the past month or so (which isn't saying much.... it's only because my shows have been in the rerun-phase for the holiday season)... but today marked a return to the couch.

After church, I set up camp & watched 2 episodes of the New Detectives, then The Karate Kid III (while updating my music library with the likes of Warrant (see previous post), Europe, the Wedding, and more), re-fueled on snacks, watched some pre-Golden-Globe coverage, then night one of the 24 season-premiere (2 hours tonight, 2 more hours tomorrow night)

Also, while catching my breathe during a commercial break for 24.... I had a moment of celebration when reading that Ledger posthumously won the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor......... well-deserved is a ridiculous understatement.

Welp... that is all. Just felt like providing a brief update on my lazy Sunday afternoon/evening.

Any thoughts on the Golden Globes and/or the first half of 24's season premiere??

kick back with a throw-back

sit back & relax on this lazy Sunday afternoon/evening...... and enjoy the big hair & flashy rock theatrics


"Wow... there's a reason I stopped doing that..."

Do you ever look back on silly, juvenile, yet very entertaining things you did in elementary and/or middle school..... and once in a blue moon take part in such activities for old times sake? Maybe it's playing Tetris on your original Gameboy... or eating ice cream and watching old cartoons on dvd... or maybe even building a fort out of sheets & clothes pins??

Well last night... a small posse & myself were rather bored after a rousing evening @ Aroma's playing cards (boredom is definitely NOT a good thing with us... especially since it's rare). We decided to make our way over to a nearby park and see what we could come up with to pass the time.

Well... one of those "silly, juvenile, yet very entertaining" things came up in our brainstorming of ideas... and being the stupid guys we are when around each other... we decided to ring some doorbells in a nearby neighborhood & scurry away like foolish young children, and then call it a night after such seemingly harmless nostalgiac fun. 3 houses later, we decided to head back to our cars. Our dumb fun was over, and it was cold outside. As we drew near to the path back to the park, I glanced over at a brightly-lit house to my right. In that very moment, I decided it would be more fun to have to run back to the park rather than casually stroll. With that spur-of-the-moment thought, I bolted for the house to quickly ring once more. In short, it was the worst timing possible... because a woman was coming out of the front door right when I neared the front stoop... screamed bloody murder when she saw me frolicking towards her house... slammed the door in sheer terror... and I hauled butt the other way in total shock & bewilderment.

I still feel completely horrible for probably scaring this poor woman half-to-death. There's no way she didn't call the police after locking herself in a room... tightly gripping some sort of blunt-force object. I don't blame her... at all. Hopefully the fear & confusion will subside so she can get a peaceful night's sleep very soon.... because I get the sinking feeling she is rather traumatized.

So uh.... yeah... there's definitely a reason I stopped doing that.

If you have a less-moronic story of a recent time when you took part in something you enjoyed from your youth, then by all means shaaaaare away. And of course... if its of equal-or-greater stupidity in comparison to mine... then definitely share that tale.


last place you'd think to find me

To say that 2009 has started off interesting...... well, that is what we categorize in my file labeled "Understatements".

Cause (of the situation) : my friend Jared from Va Beach posting on his facebook status that he was having a music video filmed for his new group's (The Silverust) first music video... and needed extras.

My Response (to the situation) : jokingly responding to said facebook-status with "can i wear little red running shorts?"

Effect (of my joking response) : Landing a starring role in a hip-hop video, wearing little red running shorts. With a pro video production crew doing the music vid (Scott Hansen Productions).

( the rest of the story )

Now just picture me in that outfit (from the previous post) busting into a party scene, looking for my "girlfriend" at this mock-fiesta, finding her with the rapper (Nickelus Fury) from the hip-hop duo, getting in his face, and then being broken up by 2 break dancers... who then proceed to battle it out on the dance floor.

Followed by dancing around like a fool for several takes behind the 2 guys (Nick F & Jared) rapping amongst the crowd.

The next day, we filmed more @ Scott's studio.. green screen hilarity ensued. We saw some of the footage in raw form.... looks AWESOME. This video is going to be epic hilarity. Last filming for the vid happening 2 weekends from now @ a skate park.

Here's some pictures to close this entry out

(L to R) Nickelus Fury, myself, and Jared Icarus Dessuit

Scott filming the guys with the green screen backdrop


If ya dare wear short shorts.....

It's been a busy January so far.... I'll blog soon with a real update, but for now I'll leave you with a picture from this past Saturday.

The story behind this outfit was definitely an experience.... stay tuned.


cinematic excellence of '09

Every year... I look ahead to all the movies coming in the year that strike me as something to be excited for. Obviously this past year I was hyped the most for The Dark Knight... but movies like Iron Man, Hellboy II, Kung Fu Panda, Cloverfield, and others definitely filled out the rest of the year quite well.

As far as this year goes, here's just a few of the standouts:

Watchmen (March 6th, 2009)

(One of the most widely-acclaimed graphic novels... made into film. The bar has been set high, so this one has alot to live up to.... AND of course I'm worried about the Warner Bros/Fox legal battle over copyright claims.... I just hope it comes out on time...)
*gaze upon the trailer here

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (May 1st, 2009)

(I really hope this one lives up to it's potential to be an epic comic book movie.... but as long as it's better than X-Men 3, I'll be satisfied)
*official site w/ the teaser trailer

Star Trek (May 8th, 2009)

(I have almost zero interest in Star Trek...... and this looks AMAZING.... so that says alot for the phenomenal cast, cinematography, and everything else involved)
*beam yourself over to view the trailer

Terminator Salvation (May 22nd, 2009)

(I'm looking forward to this one... because 1) Christian Bale is the man, and 2) just watch the trailer.... it looks wicked cool)
*watchify the glorious preview here


she's so lucky (she's a star?)

here's another vid from those past years of more frequent video-making..... when it was common-place for us to meet up with an always random grouping of friends, throw out some varied ideas, and improvise a video on the spot.... the "good 'ol days", if you will