
it's almost over...

10-ish hours until the man-beard meets it's doom @ midnite.... so as a sort of pre-show to the finale-post later 2nite, we were @ NSN News are going to take a look back at some of the highlights of the facial-hair-celebration this past month.

*wearing flannel on numerous occasions, and looking manly enough to pull it off almost toooo well

*stroking the man-beard while pondering different moments... such as what to wear, where to eat, what movie to watch, or how much longer I should stroke the man-beard

*the excessive compliments / petting of the man-beard by friends & associates. the knowledge that the general public approved of the NSN progress.... well.... it made it all worthwhile

*matching the beard with some killer new winter beanies/hats

*people pointing out that, yes, my hair is dirty blonde.. and my man-beard is reddish in color... and the soul patch is bright blonde. it's a mysterious tri-color phenomenon that can only be explained by responding ".... I'm a mutant?"

*more stroking of the man-beard, preferably in public or during meals

*the occasional grunt or primal yell out the window @ pedestrians while driving around the area. it was comforting knowing that deep down.... they jolted in fright, only to be put at ease by the sight of such a glorious man-beard

*thinking ahead for ways to step-it-up for Mustache March, and NSN 2009

Welp, I hope you enjoyed our highlighted coverage of this wonderous festive month.... stay tuned for the culmination of this celebration around midnite


Happy Day 27 of NSN.... I mean... uh.. Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I couldn't be thankful enough for the blessings I experience, big or small, each and every day.... God is so good... who am I to ever complain? Savor whatever you do today, whether it's family meals... or time with friends... or enjoying this beautful weather.... or why not all three?

And yes.... I must update everyone on No Shave November... it's my joyous duty this month.

3 days left until I provide the final product of No Shave November 2008 (even though it won't look drastically different from what you see above haha) Get hyped, none-the-less!


To-do before I die (#47)

This might even rank higher on the list..... but the number 47 seemed right at the time.

What's something outrageous you wanna do before you die? This could get reaaal interesting....


Insomnia-fueled thoughts

* passed a hotel on the way home 2nite, and the sign said "Come in and see what we love about you staying here"........... that doesn't entice me, in the least, to ever stay at that hotel. what they "love about you staying here" could very well be the opportunity for them to cook you up raw. yes, i just accused this hotel's staff of cannibalism. it's late... just go with it.

*Smallville may have upped the "cheese factor" in more & more episodes as the season's have gone by...... but boy do I still love that show. I guess I've just grown emotionally attached to the characters enough to overlook corny moments & outfits for supporting-cast/guest stars who hail from the comic world. Clark with Lois > Clark with Lana.

*It snowed a bit earlier, but I was asleep......... drat.

*Twilight = overhyped "phenomenon"...... at least as far as the movie goes. Haven't read the books, so I can't comment on those. 96X needs to re-think their on-air ads, because they claimed it was the "most talked-about/most anticipated movie of the year". Fire whoever authorized that radio ad, because we're still in the year of The Dark Knight. That's just ignorant, yo.

*This man-beard may continue into December, once No-Shave-November comes to an end..... but no promises.

*On that note..... an NSN pic-update!

That's all for 2nite/this morning........ stay classy.


NSN check-in

Here's the post-Disciple-Now NSN update.... and how man-beard-tastic it is

I thought the hat added to the effect of the unshaven-excellence. The MBGR continues to triumph during this wonderous month-of-unshaven-celebration

Now you should go check out the previous post for a tremendously cool music-video premiere from Family Force 5.

That is all.

"Radiate it on me, burn it on throouuughh"

One of my fave bands, Family Force 5, just released their new music video for "Radiator"... of their latest album "Dance Or Die"...... it's futuristic/dance-tastic/spectacular.... check it ouuuutt

Oh, and they're on tour now with Tobymac & Relient K...... I wish the tour was coming to VA... so if you get the chance to go...... then DO IT!



oh, there you are...

love this movie, such a classic.

saw this posted elsewhere.... felt compelled to re-post it.


Disciple (to tha) NOW (2008)

If I'm calculating correctly, this is my 11th Disciple Now (5th one as a leader). It's one of my favorite events each year... getting "away" for the weekend and staying in someone's else's home... who so graciously gives up their sanity & hospitality for Friday night until Sunday morning.... and leading (this year) 15 sophomore guys throughout a weekend of worship / sermons / intense small groups / chaotic random fun. We had an amazing small group session last night... talking about our sin nature & the separation between us & God from the moment we're born. I've seen so many of these grow in their spiritual maturity, some since elementary school. It's such a blessing to be a part of their lives & fellowshipping with one another in so many different settings.

Here's some pictures from the weekend so far


NSN '08 / t-shirt collection update

Welp, day 13 of NSN '08 is upon us. (NSN = No Shave November... for the uneducated masses). I must say, I'm feeling pretty good about this year's edition. Truthfully... I have been cheating a little bit, because I can't go fully unshaven due to the whole "looking acceptable" at work thing... can't necessarily have an unbridled mountain-man-beard let loose upon the unsuspecting guests @ Fridays. So yes, I apologize if you've lost some faith in my commitment to NSN this year.... but hey, I'm letting the beard itself roam free.... just gotta keep the throat/neck region in check.

But anyways, let's cut over to the visual-check-in

As you can clearly see, the man-beard-growth-rate (or MBGR) is definitely working in my favor. I feel as if it's one of my superhuman abilities, along with being able to function normally with a less-than-desirable amount of sleep. I know... real "saving the world" kinda stuff we're dealing with here... but hey, I'll take what I can get.

On a side note, I'd like to display 2 new t-shirts added to the excessive amount I already have (intervention, anyone?)

the "big six", if you will... although I would have added Daredevil & Thor to the posse, too

Wolverine & Spidey fighting off some evil Aztec warriors. Why? I say... Why not? 'Nuff said.

This concludes the NSN update / t-shirt collection double-whammy-update....... now let those blog-comments fly!


No. Shave. November!

Forget Thanksgiving.... a new celebration hath trumped it with raw man-power & brute force for the title of "best thing about November"

What's that you say? I say three words to you.


(Conan O'Brien's man-beard during that terrible writer's strike)

So I've decided to take part in the celebration this year. Earlier this year I opted for No Shave November's cousin, Mustache March (which I might also celebrate in '09). I'm excited about the prospect of NSN 2008, and the joys of wearing flannel while sporting the manly scruff. (see also "man grunt", via Tool Time's Tim Taylor)

Here's my progress so far, seeing as it's now 10 days into the festive fun.

(Day 10 check-in)

So yes! Feel free to join the good times, better late than never! You won't regret how masculine & awesome you'll feel after the experience. Your girlfriend/fiance/wife may not be too thrilled.... but you can always respond with a man-grunt... a beating of the chest (gorilla style)... and then staring her down until she submits to the idea. It's worth a shot.

Besides.... it's only a month.


Hi, my name is Jake... and I'm an addict

ad-dic-tion (uh-dik-shuhn) - noun
1. Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance
2. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.

So, addictions...... we all have them, whether it's something beneficial... or something that eats away at us on a daily basis (donuts? cuban cigars? designer shoes?)

I'm addicted to comic books, Dr Pepper, the cheesy gordita crunch (with extra baja sauce, thankyewverymuch), and buying excessive amounts of t-shirts/sunglasses.

What are you addicted to??


the face(s) of a sunglasses-addict

I emptied out the center-console of my car, and checked around my room..... and these are all the pairs of sunglasses / shades / frames / etc. that I found......... I'm officially addicted to them.