10-ish hours until the man-beard meets it's doom @ midnite.... so as a sort of pre-show to the finale-post later 2nite, we were @ NSN News are going to take a look back at some of the highlights of the facial-hair-celebration this past month.
*wearing flannel on numerous occasions, and looking manly enough to pull it off almost toooo well
*stroking the man-beard while pondering different moments... such as what to wear, where to eat, what movie to watch, or how much longer I should stroke the man-beard
*the excessive compliments / petting of the man-beard by friends & associates. the knowledge that the general public approved of the NSN progress.... well.... it made it all worthwhile
*matching the beard with some killer new winter beanies/hats
*people pointing out that, yes, my hair is dirty blonde.. and my man-beard is reddish in color... and the soul patch is bright blonde. it's a mysterious tri-color phenomenon that can only be explained by responding ".... I'm a mutant?"
*more stroking of the man-beard, preferably in public or during meals
*the occasional grunt or primal yell out the window @ pedestrians while driving around the area. it was comforting knowing that deep down.... they jolted in fright, only to be put at ease by the sight of such a glorious man-beard
*thinking ahead for ways to step-it-up for Mustache March, and NSN 2009
Welp, I hope you enjoyed our highlighted coverage of this wonderous festive month.... stay tuned for the culmination of this celebration around midnite
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2 years ago